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>>>> Leica LRF RangeMaster <<<<

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Giving readings in either meters or yards, Leica's Rangemaster series are ideal tools for golfers and others who need occasional use of distance measuring devices. Available in either a 900 or 1200 yard maximum distance range, both providing excellent accuracy in their measurements.








* Prism Type: Roof


* Magnification: 7x


* Objective Lens Diameter: 21mm


* Angle of View: 6.4°


* Field-of-View (@ 1000 Yds): 336' (111 m at 1000 m)


* Laser Type: Eye-safe class 1


* Minimum Focus Distance: Not specified by manufacturer


* Focusing Range & Accuracy: 11-900 Yards (10-823 m) ±2 Yards from 11-874 yards (10-799 m) ±1 Yard from 874-1200 yards (799-1097 m)


* Exit Pupil Diameter: 3.0mm


* Eye Relief: Not Specified by Manufacturer


* Relative Brightness: 9.0


* Twilight Factor: 12.1


* Weatherproofing: Water resistant


* Tripod Socket: No


* Power Source: One 9-volt battery


* Dimensions: 4.1 x 4.7 x 1.6" (105 x 120 x 40mm) WxHxD


* Weight: 0.62 lb (280 g)


SOLD would consider trades like quality game camera, LW climbing sticks, bouble bull blind... Lemme know what ya got, but cash is king!

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