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In's and Out's of filing for Short Term Disability

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Now that my ankle is caput I am thinking that maybe I should file for short term disability. I have two weeks of vacation and a few sick days I can use but after that I can also work from home but might not be able to get my 40 in each week and it looks like I could potentially be out for 6-8 weeks.

I'm sure someone has probably filed for it, any guidance would really be appreciated. I was also told maybe I should file for time off under the Family Leave Act. I'm pretty sure my company is going to treat me fairly but I would like to know what my options are and  would like to be able to hold on to my vacation if possible since I have already been out a week but the office hasn't talked to me about filing for disability or anything yet. I don't want to miss out on any opportunities or loose too much pay.


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I’m on it right now. I pay after tax premiums thru my employer so the short term payment is not taxable. Payments started 1 week after injury and I believe go for up to 12 weeks. All in all it took me about half hour to fill out the disability and FMLA paperwork then my doc had to fill out there part which took a few days and cost $20 I believe. My payments are weekly and direct deposited. It’s 66% of my gross but with no taxes and only leaving the house once or twice a week for doc appointments and such I’m breaking even. Oh and I was required to use all of my PTO time from work. Hope that helps? Not sure if it differs company to company, I’m sure it does but that’s how mine is working. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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21 minutes ago, muledeerarea33? said:

I’m on it right now. I pay after tax premiums thru my employer so the short term payment is not taxable. Payments started 1 week after injury and I believe go for up to 12 weeks. All in all it took me about half hour to fill out the disability and FMLA paperwork then my doc had to fill out there part which took a few days and cost $20 I believe. My payments are weekly and direct deposited. It’s 66% of my gross but with no taxes and only leaving the house once or twice a week for doc appointments and such I’m breaking even. Oh and I was required to use all of my PTO time from work. Hope that helps? Not sure if it differs company to company, I’m sure it does but that’s how mine is working. Let me know if you have any other questions.



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I think it differs company to company, Mine requires 40 hours PTO or for PTO to be exhausted to qualify for STD.  Ask your company for the most accurate answer.

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28 minutes ago, HuntHarder said:

I think it differs company to company, Mine requires 40 hours PTO or for PTO to be exhausted to qualify for STD.  Ask your company for the most accurate answer.

This. You can also have other employees donate PTO  I was on it for 6 mos fmla 

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You pay into STD to receive it, it's like insurance for broken body parts, pregnancies, etc.. Things that don't last 12 weeks or more, long-term disability kicks in after that. Most companies have an automatic LTD plan. 

All companies have varying policies. As mentioned above, most require you draining all of your sick time first if vacation PTO is in a different bucket, or all PTO if not. Other companies allow you to only to withdrawal after a waiting period. My company offers 2 premiums for two different waiting periods, 14 and 28 days. Before kids, I had 12 weeks of sick time acquired and was able to stop paying into STD all together while still keeping pay secured.

PRDATR, Call your HR rep and they should get you squared away. I'd think they want you taken care of so you can get back to a full recovery, and work. Good luck healing.

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A lot of people utilize a private short term disability through private company.  Aflac is very popular.  It's too late for Chris, but it's something anyone without short term disability may want to consider.



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