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Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

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100% negativo on the meet up, maybe a phone call if they are searching for some answers but that’s it.  Did you do a bill of sale? Are you a 100% sure of his age?  Cover your a$$ before you say anything!

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Do not meet with her.

Something similar happened to my best friend in the USAF. He was a career man. Viet Nam vet and was just awarded E-7 when he failed a random drug test for MJ. I know for certain 3/4 of the detatchment smoked pot.

USAF was going to make an example out of him. But rather than let that happen, he borrowed a pistol from his son, drove out to the White Tanks and killed himself.

His family's dynamics afterwards were fairly predictable. Widow blamed son and their relationship became estranged. Son on the outside appeared unaffected by the trajedy but was anxious to get his gun back.

Why is this in the classified section?

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Dude, go meet her in a nice part of town, Camelback, maybe at the Phoenician Resort, she might be a hot MILF.  Never pass up the opportunity for a solid piece of MILF.

Serious side, stay far far away.

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Stay away.  Just think about today’s culture.  We are in a culture of passing blame, everyone does it now.  I would bet just about everyone here feel the same way.  If something happened to one of our kids, we start to look at someone else being responsible and less about the kids decision making process.  It applies to adults too.  If you fell off of a ladder at work, it’s the employers fault, not yours.  It’s always someone else’s fault.  Stay away.  Don’t be insensitive, but choose your words wisely if you choose to say anything to her.

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Nope no way, I would block her number. I hope you checked his ID to verify his age! Other than that if someone is going to end their life they will do it one way or another. You are not at fault! Just a bad stroke of luck.

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Tragic.  But, if not with a gun, he would have found another way.  Not your fault. 

But, I would not speak to the family unless subpoenaed and without the presence of a lawyer

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I agree, don't talk to her without at least contacting a GOOD lawyer who specializes in 2nd amendment cases.  There is a well-known guy who gives talks at the gunshows about how to handle shooting situations. 

If you did not do all your due diligence before the sale, I'd do a thorough search of online sources and public records to see what you can learn about the guy who bought the gun (age, residence, past trouble, etc) that might have made him a prohibited possessor.  You'll probably find information on the suicide itself too.  You can do a similar search on the person who is contacting you now.

As others have said, it's a shame we live in the society as it is now where you always need to look over your shoulder.

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I can't see a scenario where meeting with her could be anything but negative for you. She will likely have something to record the conversation to get you to say something to use against you. She could possibly have a news crew, attorney, who knows. Being from Chicago, she is probably not familiar with Arizona gun laws and thinks you did something wrong. I wouldn't respond. If you feel you must, I'd tell her you are terribly sad for her loss, but don't feel that meeting would be appropriate, and say NOTHING more. 

Good luck

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No way bro.  Stay away. Not your fault. Like others said hope he was of age.  But heck no meet up

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