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ASU Drops Wrestling Program

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Casey, they still did. They were always in the top 20 in the country and this year they had at least 4 all Americans on the team. This is BS big time--money, money, money--if they can't make it they just push it to the side. I wrestled for Bobby Douglas in the early 80's at ASU and was proud to be on the team--my brother in law, and his brothers all wrestled there--maybe some of you have heard of him--Dave Severn? His brother is Dan "The Beast Severn" and they were both all Americans


This sucks!!

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nice to see an ungraduated Pima College Lumberjack showing such support of our fine institution.

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Haven't read about it yet, but I suspect it is another casualty of title 9. Until football is exempt from that rule there will be more schools losing programs, football and men's basketball at some schools can only bring in enough revenue to support a certain amount of sports, and with the equal scholarships for women's sports it takes quite a few to equal the football team.


I wonder how the ASU cheerleader debacle affected this, they drop the cheer squad and then there is an overall program reduction.

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nice to see an ungraduated Pima College Lumberjack showing such support of our fine institution.



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It seems that Wresteling could be a sport that is seeing lots of cuts in the west. Lots of highschools cut it years ago. I graduated in 91 and i think it was the last year for it in my home town. It is sad to lose 1 on 1 sports.

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The most difficult decision that can face athletics administrators is to discontinue a sport sponsorship. Regretfully, we have had to make such a decision at Arizona State University. We have done so with the sports of men's swimming, men's tennis, and wrestling. The issue was timed in a manner in which final exams and competitive seasons would be complete.


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That is really disappointing news. I wonder where all of the scholarship wrestlers who come back next year are going to go, especially the hometown boys like Robles. I wonder if the NCAA will make them sit out a year for transferring.

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Daryl, they can not hold them back a year if the close the program. A lot these wrestlers will have a lot of schools calling them trying to get them to sign on for the remaining years--


By the way, did you notice that they kept the womans tennis and swimming team?? Now that is fair isn't it?

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Daryl, they can not hold them back a year if the close the program. A lot these wrestlers will have a lot of schools calling them trying to get them to sign on for the remaining years--


By the way, did you notice that they kept the womans tennis and swimming team?? Now that is fair isn't it?


Title 9 is part of the problem, they have to have equal scholarships. They got rid of the cheerleaders in all sports, so maybe that justifies it to them.

The sports that make the money have to pay for the others that lose money, I wonder at ASU what sports make money, football likely, men's basketball maybe, baseball break even, women's softball and basketball maybe break even, the rest lose money is my guess.





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