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U.T.A.H. Camp

Vehicle Break-In - Unit 33 on Catalina Hwy.

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Just a heads up to be more diligent than I. My vehicle was broken into yesterday (Monday,  January 20th) while parked on Catalina Hwy. I've now lost my first two trail cameras to thieves, just not in the traditional manner. Also gone: Surface Pro, backcountry tent, sleeping bag and a range bag full of the many hard to account for things we keep in range bags, & many other items. They even stole a gallon of water. 

Dont give people a reason to break in your car!

Hunt hard, stay safe.

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That sucks dude.  I once heard someone mention they dont have any hunting stickers on their vehicles for this very reason (like it's an advertisement that there could be pricey gear inside). Made me think and I've also decided not to put any on my truck.  Not to mention an occasional tree hugger that might want to key my car or something.  Of course not having stickers wont stop a potential thief either.  

Any chance you have an app on the tablet to be able to find where it is?

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Catfish, definitely no stickers here. I basically have the same sentiment. I've never felt the need to announce anything via sticker. Not on a vehicle at least. I never activated the find-me option. Didn't use it much, only really as a road trip computer. 

Muley33, it's too depressing. Quite frankly embarrassing. As usual when something like this happens, it's not the monetary value that stings. I've been checking craigslist and offer-up.

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UTAH Camp,

dang man! Sorry to hear about that. I feel sick every time I hear of something like that happening. Hopefully you will be able to recover at least some of your items. 
Like AZ Hunter1 said... Some people just really suck! 
Karma will catch up to those idiots I truely believe however. I hope they get what they deserved. 

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Probably the crack heads from San Manuel, Mammoth and Oracle, there is a bunch of them... great people also but people that do nothing but work on their next high 

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Start checking armslist, pawn shops, all those facebook places, and it’d help if you did post a list, some stuff is sold not using the Internet. I understand the embarrassment, had it happen to me.

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I've heard they have had a bunch of problems with homeless living on the forest and bothering campers and recreationalists

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