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Say It Ain't So Al

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i heard al gore had a talk with mother nature and axed her to call it off for awhile. so he can get his carbon footprint company going better. or until they can get a democrat in the whitehouse. it'll start back up for sure then. be more greenhouse gas pumpin' outta DC than from a volcano. Lark.

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I've been telling folks for years thst there isn't no such thing as global warming. That's as ridiculous as them saying a deer can't see color. Whoever had a deer tell them that? Same as that uv stuff that makes your cloths keep from standing out like a light bulb. People will believe anything and buy whatever someone saids it's so according to their findings. :rolleyes: :lol: ;)


I have a turkey foot that scatches the leaves and is guaranteed to get you a turkey. $39.99 for those who might be interested. Available since opening day of turkey season. Shipping is free! :)



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Give me an address to send the $40 bucks to. That's the greatest idea I've heard of in a long time!


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Give me an address to send the $40 bucks to. That's the greatest idea I've heard of in a long time!



Sorry, :( sold!




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