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at least the lawyers are makin' money

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I think I am going to start protesting the taking of predators from a location where they are stable and moving them to a location where they have ceased to exist. I would bet that most of the money given to these groups is from people that haven't walked a 1/4 mile from their car, the few that do get out and about are stupid when it comes to how WILD animals act around humans. They create videos of how tolerant they are of people, unless of course they get eaten. They complain about meat from slaughterhouses, they complain about range cattle interferring with elk and buffalo, they don't want wild animals hunted, they think man will survive without meat period. What it really comes down to is people with a lot of money trying to force their beliefs on everyone else, they brainwash kids with the fluffy bunny shows, and try to pass laws against the people that don't buy into their beliefs.

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