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i guess you don't want sports illustrated then. oh wait, wrong kinda score. Lark.



You talkin about the Swimsuit Issue?





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Bownut, Butters is right it was not directed to you. It was to Canyon State Hunter. Now, to all you others. You are right, I won't buy it, read it, or support it. I think it's a bad idea for all us hunters that enjoy hunting alone. You are wright it is a free market and it will do it's thing but not in my magazine rack. I don't like to read about eastern hunts myself. Eastmans does'nt give units with their stats. I feel sadness too, for all hunters that "may" get burned by what gets printed in this magazine. You know if you would leave out all the units and the where to start B.S. I would not have any problems. I think you will be stepping on alot of toes by doing this! That's it, I'm done you know where I stand , I just hope it all works out for the best!

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As a youth about 16 and beginning to fish, I read an article about backpack fishing the Black River in a magazine I believe was called Arizona Wildlife Sportsman. That article led my friends and I to some fun trips catching smallmouth and stepping on rattlesnakes. I presume there are other young outdoorsmen 35 years later looking for places of adventure and expand their horizons in places they have not been.


Good luck with the magazine, Terry and Neal.



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Two things here:

#1. The mag is a great idea. Local hunting stories and pics. Beautiful.

I'm still dissapointed that clay Goldman's "Arizona Hunting Tales" folded. This mag will be just what the doctor ordered for a lot, and I mean a lot, of Arizona sportsman. including me. Again, sign me up!


#2. The guide/information thing.

It is expected that hunters will just outright lie about their hunting spots, because they don't want other people in there crowding them, and worst yet, because of their own big mouth. I expect this from every respectable hunter, and I don't even ask. I have chosen to tell people straight up that I will not not reveal my own spots. that way I'm not being a big-mouth and I am also not lying.

Yes, this sight is bad for that, a lot of times we just get carried away with trying to impress - the internet is bad for that. But the more mature folks here offer reminders to other people when needed.

If this new mag can steer people around in the woods - "a little help" - and and not take away from the quality we have enjoyed, then more power to them. Personally I am skeptical about that. But I can't control or stop that. People will use this service and it will be successful.

I have never hired a guide. Have I taken advice? Of course, we all have. The real satisfaction in hunting for me is to do my homework, that is fieldwork, busting my butt in doing so, because being out there for all those hours in the field is even better than killing something. It wears on the common guy like me when people that don't do the work end up where I hunt because of someone's mouth or they paid for the information. Not all these guys are lazy, they're busy, and God bless 'em, I'm glad they can get out of the city and connect with the land. Again, nothing I can do about it, but stretch out further and have more fun doing so. These are growing pains. Dissapointments of simply having too many people in the state these days. Nothing against free interprise and nothing against what promises to be a really cool magazine.


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As a youth about 16 and beginning to fish, I read an article about backpack fishing the Black River in a magazine I believe was called Arizona Wildlife Sportsman. That article led my friends and I to some fun trips catching smallmouth and stepping on rattlesnakes. I presume there are other young outdoorsmen 35 years later looking for places of adventure and expand their horizons in places they have not been.


Good luck with the magazine, Terry and Neal.








Quit telling people about this. That has been MY secret spot for decades! And please don't tell anyone that the N. Kaibab and Strip have any big deer. That's a secret too. Next thing you know, getting a permit for either of them will be nearly impossible. -TONY

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I often read about Tarpon fishing in Florida, but I haven't been there yet.


Maybe when there are only a handful of purists left, they'll have had enough practice eating their own that the last stand against the antis will be a piece of cake.


We grow our ranks (or at least slow the decline) by making information available. That includes by print, by radio, tv, the internet, etc. I doubt the magazine will be printing grid coordinates. Those are big forests, and expansive deserts out there. Besides, anyone who didn't know where to go until they read it in a magazine is probably one of those road hunters anyway. There's no way they could ever encroach on a real hunter's honey-hole...



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Absolutely! Get over a ridge or three away from the roads and you can get away from at least 80% of the buffoons, oops, I mean road hunters. ;)

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There is no reason to be worried about this magazine giving up your secret (spots). If you people who are complaing were real hunters, you would not have any worries of this magazine knowing your SECRET spots. I am sure that this mag will not tell people about a 3 mile hike around a mountain, up a hill and to a secret GPS location. Get real. They might however, give a road # which will probably be a 10-20 mile long road and tell them this is a good place to start. So if you consider a road your honey hole sucks to be you. Go to game and fish's website and look at the info they give you, They tell you good lakes, ponds and rivers to duck hunt on. If there is any shortage of honey holes it is duck hunting. They tell you abnout 70 % of them. Well just quit your crying and get out in the field. Oh yeah if you see CSH on the back of some guys truck don't tell him there are any animals there. He might publish your cordinates. Get Real losers. CSH will be a good magazine

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There is no reason to be worried about this magazine giving up your secret (spots). If you people who are complaing were real hunters, you would not have any worries of this magazine knowing your SECRET spots. I am sure that this mag will not tell people about a 3 mile hike around a mountain, up a hill and to a secret GPS location. Get real. They might however, give a road # which will probably be a 10-20 mile long road and tell them this is a good place to start. So if you consider a road your honey hole sucks to be you. Go to game and fish's website and look at the info they give you, They tell you good lakes, ponds and rivers to duck hunt on. If there is any shortage of honey holes it is duck hunting. They tell you abnout 70 % of them. Well just quit your crying and get out in the field. Oh yeah if you see CSH on the back of some guys truck don't tell him there are any animals there. He might publish your cordinates. Get Real losers. CSH will be a good magazine


I have no problem with the magazine and I am all for it. but I would like you to define which of us you think is a loser ? All of us or, is it someone in particular? If some people don't like it, they don't have to buy it or read it, some of us just joke around with what is posted on certain topics, and some people are clueless, but most of us are mature and intelligent enough to not disrespect other members ,and or, their opinions by calling names, especially when hiding behind a fictional profile I look forward to the first issue, and have a nice day!



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Get Real losers.

Nice.....Now what is that all about????????

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Dang I stopped reading hunting magazines years ago. I didn't know you could get good hunting spots from magazines, wow! I thought hunting sites with chat rooms was the only place to get good hunting spots. I need a subscription!

E-scouting Bob

PS PM me your honey holes now! So you can show off that you knew about that great spot before it gets published in the magazine. I will give you proper credit, otherwise no one will believe you when you claim the article ruined your favorite area.

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Hey 123456,


Something I think you overlooked is the fact that everyone here has a right to an opinion, whether it is the same as yours or not. It's ok to disagree; however most of us try and use some tact while doing so.


I can see you are aware that Canyon State Hunter Magazine is not designed to give away anyone's secret spots; you're right, we won't get too specific in the showcase. Next time you post, please do so in a more thought out manner without the name calling, we don't need that here. I do however hope you enjoy the magazine!


Neil Large


Canyon State Hunter Magazine


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