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i don't understand where is the problem , if you don't like it

don't read it.

i subscribe because i think could be interesting, i don't think

that we know everything and there is always room to learn

and the only way you leran is to read and practice.

buy the magazine, read it if you don't like it don't buy it anymore

is that simple.

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Yep, let the free market do its thing. If they put out a good product that people enjoy and find useful, interesting or entertaining they have a chance. The public at large will decide if it makes it or not.

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lionslayer (and coues and sheep) has a good point.

We live in the information age and we can get it at our finger tips, on the computer or in a magazine. Easy info on where to hunt has made for more pressure in the woods. The game dept hasn't helped with the "more opportunity", but lot's of guys that don't know the woods and haven't done the scouting have found themselves in some of the best places because they paid for the guide, or information.

Nothing wrong with free interprise, yet when we sell hunting spots, it feels to me that we are selling something almost sacred - that you can't get back.

If a guy can sell "a little help" and not shoot everyone in the foot then, good. What if 40 people want "a little help" with a spring turkey hunt in unit 6A? You are either stepping on toes, or selling a product that may not be worth the money.

Just some thoughts.

I am not against the mag. I am not against guides. I just think about the few old timer guides that could scratch out a living back in the day when nobody hardly noticed, versus the modern multitude of guides that end up everywhere I go in elk country over-calling and claiming tanks for their clients. If everybody wants a wilderness experience then it's not a wilderness experience anymore. And that's where we're at these days.

Sell your mag, I hope you do well. Sell our info, I'm sure we'll see your clients in the woods.


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I always feel a tinge of sadness when I read comments such as a few in this thread. But it's not the comments themselves that give me that feeling; it's knowing that today's young hunters are learning the same attitudes. -TONY



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I know Neil and i know a lot of you on here that have posted. I can tell you that what you will read will be entertaining but for most of you veterans the info will be somewhat basic. There will be some cool pictures of live and dead critters for the unit that is chosen, there might be some kind of terrain explained and weather conditions and yes, possibly some tips that will help the new hunter who has a hard time with a starting point. I have read many sites and i can tell you that i have read more about where to start hunting on the three i visit that i can honestly say that if i wanted to hunt a unit i have never been in that i could start with one of the posts that all of you have put on the boards.


I think the very best part of a mag like this is (and it has been stated here) you don't have to read about eastern whitetails and how to get them closer to your tree stands--or about critters we may never see in our lifetime--just good old Arizona critters and that is the best part about the whole thing.


I have been a part of another magazine that is all about Arizona but there were a lot of other things in that mag that i didn't care for--i don't care to read about fishing--i like hunting and i like hunting big game--this mag will not have any fishing related story's in it and that is what i like. It will have hunting and more hunting with pictures and stories of hunts--not in Utah, not in Nevada but right here in AZ--now you can't beat that there can ya? ;)

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I always feel a tinge of sadness when I read comments such as a few in this thread. But it's not the comments themselves that give me that feeling; it's knowing that today's young hunters are learning the same attitudes. -TONY




THANK YOU TONY and TLH for putting some common sense into this thread......it's free market....if you DON'T like it DON'T read or subscribe! I'm with a lot of other people when I see magazines about eastern critters.....it just don't do it for me. The style and hunting techniques practiced in the east seem silly and very few items apply to big game hunting out west. Coues Rock and that is the only species of WT that actually get me going....just my personal opinion but it's FREE to each of you for being members of Amanda's great site! :P

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I too tire of reading about eastern deer hunting srategies and have alway thought a mag about arizona hunting would be great.

Cant wait to try it out! ;)

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just don't use the word stock when you mean stalk and wench when you mean winch, like those retarded kings did. there are so many mispilled and rongly used words in that stinkin' rag even i can't even stand to read it. and don't show me a 300 bull and try to tell me it "green scored" 350, or a 98 lb lion and say it weighs 160, like that stupid trophy hunter magazine. or have 50 photos of that smilin' dork that is always in the eastman comic book. be real and be realistic. huntin' ain't hollywood. Lark.

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Tell me how to sign up - I'm in!


Thanks Tony, I just gained a lot of insight.


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I had the same thoughts a few months ago. I was even talking with a company to publish the magazine. I hope it does well for you and it saves me the time and money starting one. I will order it. I love to read and hunting magazine are on the top of my list.

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My comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular. In fact, it's sorta been festering for a few months as result of several discussions on various topics. Actually, I had written a very long reply, then decided to heed something my college speech professor once said: Tact is the art of making a point without making enemies.


Then again, maybe I'll put it into a magazine column somewhere. ;) -TONY

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It's interesting to see the different veiw points everyone has. The bottom line is, you can't fault someone for wanting to start a business or for wanting to better himself or his existing business and I do wish you the best of luck with this! I am curious though, how many issues will you print before you end up having to re-write about a unit you've already wrote about? Like in the other AZ publication that Terry talked about, there is fishing and all sorts of other stuff to keep it fresh. I just think the "spotlighting" of the units in each issue will become repetitive and dull and there will then be the need to go deeper into facts and info about each unit.......ultimately exposing more and more secret honey holes. If this was a one time publication, then there would be no problems.......you could just copy down the info that AZGFD has for each unit and get new hunters started in the right direction without upsetting anyone. I do really like the idea of a publication dedicated to just AZ for the same reasons as everyone else......hunting stories and pictures! Fill up the pages with AZ hunt stories and AZ pictures and you'll have me as a customer for sure. I would also like to add that I actually agree with .270 :o Keep it honest! I don't want to read about a limited expereinced outfitter telling hundreds of people how to hunt or obviously stretching the tape to make it sound bigger. I also would like to see less emphasis on what a critter scores and more about how memorable the hunt was for that animal. And one last thing, if you don't already have it in the works, to continue to promote this new magazine here you need to become a sponsor of this great site ;) Thanks and best of luck! JIM>

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I would subscribe to a mag that refrained from mentioning scores at all.

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