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Hey Bownut,


My name is Neil Large, partial owner/editor Canyon State Hunter Magazine. Yes, it’s a new publication for Arizona hunters; put together by Arizona hunters! We feel Arizona is in need of a full color, informative, quality hunting publication and took it upon ourselves to produce one.


The premier issue is going to be available in late June and contains articles on subjects such as glassing, scouting importance and strategy, and bow tuning tips. We will also include some entertaining pieces on Arizona hunts, including an exciting archery elk story.


The main attraction within our magazine is the region showcase. A showcase will break down the units within each region explaining what tactics successful hunters use in the different habitat zones within each unit. We will also include which units are known to produce trophy animals, draw stats, and suggestions on where hunters can find the species they are looking for.


Take for instance region 6 (seen in the premier issue) which includes units 20b, 21, 22, 23, 24a and b, 37m, and 42m. As space is a factor in a 52 page publication, we chose to split each region in half. In the premier issue we will include units 20b, 21, 22, and 23 in the region showcase.


As a new publication we are always looking for writers, story ideas, pictures of Arizona game animals, (alive or dead), and anyone who would like to advertise within our pages.


To kick off our new publication we will ship later this month (free of charge), an informative 24 page mailer to 25,000 hunters that were successful in the last draw. The mailer is designed to get the word out about Canyon State Hunter, but will also include informative articles and Arizona hunt stories. Ad spots in the mailer are filling up quickly, if you own a business and are looking to catch the eye of 25,000 Arizona hunters, refer to our website at www.cshmag.com for details.


We at Canyon State Hunter magazine feel we have put together a quality, entertaining, informative publication for the hunters of Arizona, take a look at our new cutting edge magazine when it hits the stands in June. Until then, keep an eye out for the 24 page mailer later this month.


Neil Large


Canyon State Hunter Magazine


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Thanks Neil

Sound like a great magazine. I guess I will have to try it out. My wife will love it more books for the office (the bathroom)!! :P LOL!

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I, for one, don't think we need anymore "showcasing" of any part of this state.... <_< That is what turns little known corners into Parking lots. If someone wants to know more about a certain part of the state let them get their arse off the sofa (or the crapper) and go check it out.... :rolleyes:


Otherwise.... good luck on the publication.



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Hey it's better then looking at the wall or playing with something that don't need to be played with. :lol: Anyways not to interested in what they have to say about units I hunt in I enjoy doing that part myself. I'm just interested in the articles about guys like me that hunt the same type of country I hunt. Not in some tree stand back east some place like most articles in most magazines are about. You do make a great point about the showcasing of units it's not really needed I agree. I would assume it is for the couch potato(or the crapper) ;) who wants someone to tell them were to drive out and shoot a buck but I doubt they will get that from any magazine.

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The Region Showcase is not designed to give away anyone’s honey holes, we hunt here too; the last thing we want is severe competition in and around our hunting spots. We do feel good however to help hunters in the right direction by getting them in the game, so to speak. The showcase can be used by new hunters getting into the sport to better understand how to hunt the states different species and where. It can also be used by veteran hunters interested in learning more about units they may not typically hunt. Besides, only generalized hunt area information will be divulged in each issue. It is not the intention of Canyon State Hunter Magazine to make it easier for hunters, who refuse to scout, to find game. They simply won’t benefit from this valuable tool. We appreciate your concerns, if you have any others please post here.


There is much more to the Region Showcase than just info on hunting spots, check out our website at www.cshmag.com for more details regarding our publication and the services we offer.



Neil Large


Canyon State Hunter Magazine



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I'll be willing to take a look at this new mag. , I enjoy reading about Az. and it different places!

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Well I'm buttuming that you are or are going to be a sponsor here on CW.com...... If that be the case, we would be happy to give you feedback on that first issue if you send a brick of them to Amanda so that she can bring them to the CW.com gathering in June.... ;)





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You stole that line from Beavis and Butthead, talking about math.

I just didn't have you figured as a Beavis and Butthead fan.

This changes everything.


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I'm not wanting to poke sticks but who are you doing this for? You, or all hunters, since I know you started your own outfitting gig only about two years ago. How are you gathering your info. about these topics. Is it your own or are you weaseling it out of people and claiming it for your own? I for one am finding good spots hard to come by and I do not need some guy from Idaho in my spots just by reading some magazine! I've worked my tail off to get to know places I hunt, not by reading an article on the throne. :angry:

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I've worked my tail off to get to know places I hunt, not by reading an article on the throne. :angry:


Not sure if this was directed to me but if it was I would like to say I have lived and hunted in AZ all my life and I bust my butt as much anyone else to find places to hunt.

Thanks for all the great info about this new magazine since that is what my original post was for. And Lionslayer welcome to the best site on the net you can get some great info on here just don't ask about new magazines about hunting in AZ. Or read on the crapper. :(


Officially un-subscribed to this thread. See you all some place else!

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I'm not wanting to poke sticks but who are you doing this for? You, or all hunters, since I know you started your own outfitting gig only about two years ago. How are you gathering your info. about these topics. Is it your own or are you weaseling it out of people and claiming it for your own? I for one am finding good spots hard to come by and I do not need some guy from Idaho in my spots just by reading some magazine! I've worked my tail off to get to know places I hunt, not by reading an article on the throne. :angry:



Hi lionslayer,


Who am I doing this for? Well WE are creating this magazine for the hunters of Arizona, plain and simple. During the time I worked behind the archery counter at Sportsman’s Warehouse, I met countless hunters who were just looking for a little help in the right direction; heck I continue to meet people like that today. It feels good to help them, it’s that simple. I will not deprive them however the joy and sense of accomplishment in finding their own spots. If you would refer to the above post, our intention is not to give away anyone’s secret spot. Please re-read the thread.


To address another of your concerns, I claim nothing as my own, unless it is. There will be several writers who contribute to the Region Showcase, including some respected guides and Government agencies throughout Arizona. We have no need to “weasel” any spots from other hunters, plenty of talent in our corner.


I hope I have been able to address your concerns lionslayer, if not feel free to give me a call; my contact info can be found on the Canyon State Hunter Website. www.cshmag.com


Neil Large


Canyon State Hunter Magazine



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I've worked my tail off to get to know places I hunt, not by reading an article on the throne. :angry:


Not sure if this was directed to me but if it was I would like to say I have lived and hunted in AZ all my life and I bust my butt as much anyone else to find places to hunt.

Thanks for all the great info about this new magazine since that is what my original post was for. And Lionslayer welcome to the best site on the net you can get some great info on here just don't ask about new magazines about hunting in AZ. Or read on the crapper. :(


Officially un-subscribed to this thread. See you all some place else!


Bownut I personally think it was a great thread to start and the way I read it it's towards Canyon State Hunter not you. I'm not so sure I like the idea of this magazine and thats all I'm going to say so nobody gets offended.

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