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any o' you get your dose o' redneck at the gun show this weekend? me and my neighbor go religiously, just to make sure we never get low on our redneck/hillbilly heritage. it makes a guy feel good about himself to see all the neo nazis, nazi desser uppers, chi-com soldier dresser uppers, civil war dresser uppers (gray and blue), skinheads, cowboy gunfighter dresser uppers (especially the ones with the jingle bells on their spurs), and other assorted vagrants and reprobates. after ya leave ya realize ya ain't as screwed up as ya thought ya wuz. i did buy 2 shotguns, a one a really cool model 24 winchester 12 guage side by side, the other an old sears single shot just like my first shotgun (that i lost when the boat turned over in the gila on a goose huntin' escapade) and we bought us some o' them weaner gourds like them new ginnee headhunters wear on the national geographic shows. now them are cool deals for sure. but they made me take mine off at work today. some folks ain't got no fashion sense. sure wish i'da wore some pants...... Lark.

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weener gourd :lol:


I don't need to go to a gun show to see yahoos like that, we got a bunch of em here where I work. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself a dyed in the wool redneck but some of them guys are just plain over the top. I definately feel more at home in Eagar than Tucson.

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it's Eagar, not eager. we useta call it Igor. if you're gonna live there, learn how to spell it. you'll get a lot better mail service. gunshows are great. a real cultural awakening. i've met sherrif joe at one. and Joe Foss, one of America's greatest modern heros. and a buncha wierdos too. Lark.

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I was there, didn't find what I was looking for but there were some deals to be had for sure. I saw two Rem 1100s for $295 ea. I ended buying some 460 S&W ammo and my son bought a sweet blow gun.

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I was there, didn't find what I was looking for but there were some deals to be had for sure. I saw two Rem 1100s for $295 ea. I ended buying some 460 S&W ammo and my son bought a sweet blow gun.



Dude, You may want to start soaking those darts in rubbing alcohol.

How long will your boy be grounded after you get one pulled out of you pearly white cheek :huh:


Good Luck.

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I use to go to all of them. Now the only show's worth going to are the Crossroad's show's. They have an awesome Phoenix show the first weekend in Dec. It is huge and lasts 3.5 days including a bldg specifically for class III firearms.


The other shows (AZ Arms, McMahons and Termark) are a waste of time and money.

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I use to go to them every single time any one came to town. But that was when the 7.62X39 and .223/5.56 was still "cheap" now I only go to the crossroads show at the fair grounds. Our military vehicle club gets invited to park out front and we get free parking and admission. It makes it not hurt so bad when you walk out without buying anything. ;)

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When i went a few times i would find that what i wanted when i went was around 50 dollars cheaper but after spending the 50 dollars to get there get in and get home it was cheaper for me to just buy it at the local shop. And now with deisle at over 4.00 a gal forget it.

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it ain't about the deals, it's about the experience. it's cheaper to stay home and watch a ball game than it is to go to one. but there's just somethin' about bein' there with a big ol' fat hot dog and mustard and a sack o' peanuts. gunshows are the same way. i wish they served beer at the gunshows. that'd be better than cartoons. all a guy would hafta do was say "7 MAGS SUCK" and stand back and watch the fight start. Lark.

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I was at a crossroads show a couple months ago. I would rather have my mother in law move into my house for the rest of her life, then go to one of them there shows again. What a crock of sh#%. Plus I picked up that nasty flu there. David

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