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Doubled Up - Cows Down

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My best buddy and I drew cow tags this year for an October hunt, and we were very excited to have the opportunity to try and put some meat in the freezer. We enlisted the help of a good buddy who knew our area well. He wasn't able to get up til Friday at about 3pm. 

We arrived in the area on Thursdays, set camp, and went for a scout. During our scout my buddy ran into a decent bull, and we could hear bulls bulging in the valley of the ridges we were over watching. I went on the scout with my hunting pack, but only had on my street clothes and arms because I wasn't hunting. I was glassing a clearing, and went to mark it on my OnX. As I look up and start to mark it I glanced up and saw this gem. I didn't think about this kind of situation, so the only gun I have with me is my 9mm Sig inside my waistband, under my shirt, and tucked nicely beneath my back's belt... I did get it out in record time though despite the "deep cover" carry spot.


Friday morning we arrived in our spot and hiked in before dawn. We were setup over looking different parts of the same valley. We had put to bed a couple bulls in that valley the night before, and at first light they started up again yelling at each other. I butted in and started bugling back and forth and got them all fired up. It was pretty awesome. I got one bull to close from about 800 yards to 400 yards, but he never broke out of the timber. I spotted 1 elk in the valley that we thought was a cow so we decided to try and punch into the valley from the opposite side. That was a mistake. The thickets between the road and the meadow was NASTY. We paid the price for that one, and went back to camp and regrouped. We picked up our buddy who came to help and he got us setup on a meadow he knows and told us we were going to get a double. I thought it was crazy.

We setup and glassed the valley. We watched quite a few deer move around, and about 4:45pm a small 6x6 moved into the valley. We glassed him for about 25 minutes until 2 cows moved into the valley with him. Game Time...

We get setup. My buddy and I are working trying to get setup on the 2 different cows, and they are being skiddish. They were moving around a lot and moving back and forth near the bull which blocked many shots. I knew we wouldn't get a 1,2,3 shoot double so I told my buddy to take the shot when he got it. He had never gotten an elk before, so he had rights to the first shot. He took a shot...and missed... They spooked, but didn't run. They kept moving around and finally a cow presented another shot and he took it. It didn't go down so he shot again, and again. She finally went down. About that time my cow turned quartering away and I sent one. She jogged off and stumbled, and then went down. We pulled it off. We dropped a double. We were both shooting 6.5x55 rifles shooting my 135gr Berger Classic Hunters handloads. They did the job very well, and made a mess of the lungs on both elk. My buddies elk ended up taking 3 hits. A high neck shot, a shoulder shot, and a lung shot. She didn't go far. My shot was a clean double lung, and the lungs were shredded.

The 6x6 bull took off running after the 2nd cow went down. He was not happy we shot his girlfriends. While I was getting the truck closer my two buddies said he ran back in on them bugling and pissed, then took off for good.




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4 minutes ago, lancetkenyon said:

Was that guy out dove hunting with us this year?  He looks familiar.

Yes it is.

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This made it all worth it though. We turned in about 400lbs of meat to the processor. It will be Traeger time in a few weeks.


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those are from blackovis.com

If you watch camofire.com (blackovis owns camofire) you can catch them on sale sometimes. I bought the larger XL elk size bags and LOVE them. We used them last year on our deer hunt. Got them bloody and washed them out in a bucket. They cleaned up great, and we used them on another deer that hunt. Those are going in the washing machine tonight when the wife isn't looking.

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Nice guys congrats. That's a lot of work isn't it? 

I just went through that and I'm not sure I would repeat it on purpose, haha

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12 minutes ago, mtuck said:

Great job on the double!  That's a lot of field work in a short amount of time but the meat and stories are worth it.  Congrats.

It was pretty darn cool. The field work was tough but rewarding. We were covered in blood, and our knees and backs were not happy afterward, but it was well worth the experience and the meat. 

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Today was a good day. Miller's brought our elk to the westside dropoff location, and I earned my blue belt in my jiu jitsu class. 




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