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Additions to dictionary

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Working with your suggestions, and my own research of recent posts, I have compiled additional definitions for the dictionary. More would be welcome. Bill Quimby



Accurized -- Adjective. To have been made accurate, especially a firearm.

Additude -- Noun. A way of thinking.

Allot/alot -- Pronouns. A bunch, a passel; also a small parcel of land.

Allready -- Adjective. Positioned to begin, as in “Are you allready for the hunt?”

Amo -- Noun. Latin for “to love,” also an abbreviation for ammunition.

Antelers -- Noun. What male cervids grow on their heads.

Apostrophe -- Punctuation combined with S to form plural nouns on this forum.

Arguement -- Noun. Heated exchange resulting from opposing views.

Ballsilic -- Adjective. Relates to projectiles in flight; also a variation of silly ball or a type of vinegar.

Beems -- Noun. The part of antlers from which tines grow, also a verb as in “Beem me up.”

Billyjack -- See whackadoodle.

Bord -- Noun. A panel of decision makers; also an adjective as in disinterested.

Bored -- See bord.

Brodside -- Noun. Neither front, rear, top nor bottom, as in “I had a brodside shot.

Bullit -- Noun. Projectile propelled from a firearm.

Busey -- Adjective. Having much to do, as in “I’m too busey to stop.”

BYOB -- Acronym for someone else will bring food.

Calaburr -- Noun. Prickly item found under saddles; also the diameter of a firearm’s bore.

Complane/complaning -- Verb. To express dissatisfaction with proposed hunting rules.

Coroperate -- Verb. Two surgeons, one patient; also when hunting groups work together.

Couse -- Noun. Small white-tailed deer with cult following.

Crossbread -- Noun. See highbread.

Cows -- Noun. Archaic pronunciation of Coues, as in “Did you shoot a Cows dear?” (See dear.)

Dear -- Adjective. Term of affection; also a noun describing an antlered ungulate.

Deferences -- Noun. Dissimilar items.

Doesen/duzzen -- Noun. Twelve; also unwillingness to act as in “she duzzen want me to go.”

Dont -- Verb. A pastry with hole in center; also preferred variation of don't on this forum.

Envestagate -- Verb. What wardens do when inforcing laws. (See inforce.)

Envolve -- Verb. To include as a necessary part, as in “I don’t want to be envolved.”

Exested -- Verb. To have survived. (Cockroaches have exested for millennia.)

Fling -- Noun. A brief romance; also a verb meaning to propel arrows.

FNG -- Acronym for friggin new guy.

Fue -- Adjective. A small number, as in “There are too fue permits.”

GF -- Acronym for loud, easily provoked humanoid known to cause financial difficulty.

GFD -- Acronym for state agency known to cause financial difficulty.

Glair -- Verb. To stare in fierce or angry manner. “The cat glaired at me.”

Hafta -- Noun. Missing union leader; also verb: Obliged to do something as in “I hafta go.”

Highbread -- See crossbread; also white, rye or whole wheat on top shelf.

Hole/whole -- Noun. As in: “I blew the hole rabbit to pieces when it peaked out of the whole.”

Horns. -- Noun. Noise-making devices, especially on vehicles; also see antelers.

Hunnywhole -- Noun. A productive place; its location is always kept a secret.

Inforce -- Verb. What wardens are paid to do with laws.

Kidden -- Verb. Joshing, as in “Are you kidden me?” A polite form of “sh***in’.”

Lark -- Noun. Something done for fun; also a ground-dwelling songbird or an old goat.

Laff -- Verb. Spontaneous reaction to humor.

Loose -- Verb. Derived from lost, as in “I hated to loose my money.”

Mag -- Noun. A publication or a powerful calaburr.

Mall -- Verb. To wound by biting and scratching; also noun: Place where wives of hunters get even.

Mollywhopped -- See wacked.

Neaded -- Verb. Required, as in “I neaded money;” also spelled kneaded.

Photoe -- See pic, pix.

Pitchers/pitchure -- See pic, pix.

Posison -- Noun. A deadly substance; also a location.

Rack -- Noun. A woman’s chest; also see antelers.

Realy/reely -- Adverb. Expresses surprise, doubt or degree; also one who cranks in a fishing lure.

Restrections -- Noun. Rooles and regulateshuns.

RUM -- Noun. Booze; also abbreviation for a Remington rifle caliber that kicks at both ends.

Scull -- Noun. Small boat; also what’s left of a critter after body and flesh are removed.

Servey -- Verb. An educated guess, as in “our servey shows (fill in the blank).”

Smoke pole -- See muzzy.

Steal -- Noun. What outlaws do to trail cameras; also a metal made from iron ore.

Stick and string -- Noun. Archery equipment; also a violin.

Stock -- Noun. Wood or plastic surrounding a gun’s metal parts. Verb. To approach game stealthily.

Sweet -- Adjective. Opposite of sour; a variation of bootiful.

Teusday -- Noun. Day of week following Sundy and Mundy.

These ones -- Noun. Plural of this one.

Thems -- Noun. Similar to thoses; a variation of these ones.

Thoes -- Noun. Digits on one’s feet; also more than one "this" and opposite of "these."

Tomaro -- Noun. The day after today.

Tones -- Noun. Unit of weight, as in “Elephants weigh six tones.”

Tipical -- Adjective. Not abnormal; also noun as in northern and southern ends of California.

Varmit/varrnit/varmet -- Noun. Troublesome animal that knows exact range of your firearm.

Virshun/virsion -- Another form of something.

Wack/whack -- See mollywhop and whackadoodle.

Waste -- Adjective. Tall, as in “waste-high grass;” also verb. See whackadoodle.

Waisted -- Adjective. Squandered; also noun describing a beer gut; also see whackadoodle.

Watter -- Noun. Clear liquid sometimes used for bathing by forum members.

Whackadoodle -- Verb. To kill decisively, as in “I whackadoodled him.”

Winny -- Noun. The sound horses make, also an abbreviation of Winchester.

Wood -- Verb. Conditional mood, as in “I wood luv to shuut a biggen.” Also noun as in campfire fuel.

WTF -- See WTH.

WTH -- Acronym for what the heck was that?

WSM -- Acronym for Wierd Short Men; also a type of load developed by Winny.

Yur/your/you’re -- Adjectives. Interchangeable, as in “Your (or yur) a good shot with you’re rifle.”

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so i'm the only person who made the dictionary. well heck, that makes me expeshully hapy and prowd. it also show's how igernut the rest o' you loosers reely are. Lark.

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.270 aka the second best round ever.. right behind the 7mm-08. also known as a old crabby man who patrols cwt.com with his "humor" and tells all might Firstcoueswas80 to play the banjo.

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so i'm the only person who made the dictionary. well heck, that makes me expeshully hapy and prowd. it also show's how igernut the rest o' you loosers reely are. Lark.


Congrats Lark! I bet there's a spot under a refrigerator magnet somewhere just waiting for the dictionary page with your name on it. ;)

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i tell ya to play the banjo because i can't say "go ^@%$#^&$*&!@" on here. Lark.




If you want, I will remove it. There are no old goats older than me on this forum.


Bill Quimby

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heck no. it'd brake my hart. all these other looser's can be all whinny and cry they're eyes out. Lark.

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"BWAAAAHAHAhahahahaaaaaa,oooogeeewwiiizzzzz that rite their is perty dawggone frigen funy I tel u wat!" :lol: :P At least thats wat my wife says. As 4 me I just dont git it? :huh: :(



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