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SXS security

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So I just got a new RZR and will be using it to get around on my upcoming hunts. I have never worried about leaving my truck parked in the past, but a RZR might be a little easier to steal. Any suggestion like cable locks or ill switches? I'm also curios about equipment. Ill have a spare belt and the tools to swap it out and tire plugs. Are there small jump boxes and compressors that can be stashed away without taking up too much room?

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Been thinking about security myself. Read a thread on another forum where the guy came back to his machine deep in the back country and it was gone. :( 

Wouldn't take take much to drop it in neutral and winch it up a trailer.  Ive searched online but haven't found anything worthwhile. 

Was looking at this. 


I store all my gear in a bed box.  Compressor, jumper box, belt, tools, tool straps....etc.




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I know there is a lo jack option out there as well.  Adding a kill switch might not be a bad idea.  I also have a small tote that I store my compressor, jack, some tools, plugs, fuses, tow straps and a few other small items in.  I usually just throw it in the bed and hope no one takes it.  

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Kill switch is pretty easy on most things. Or a valve on the fuel line to kill the fuel. 

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Do these new machines not have an imobolizer? Or whatever the particular company calls it. Meaning the key has to be programmed to start it. If not the a kill switch and a boot would be good. I’d say 9/10 times you’ll be fine but that one time would worry me. I don’t own a side by side and I don’t lo-Jack my boots but if they cost 20k I pry would! As far as the pocket jump boxes go, they work great! I use one at work.

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Wheel boot.

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I usally try and park in hard areas that its about impossible to push or turn around. I guess you could install a kill switch or something? I have a lock box set up for my rzr tho. it mounts to the bed and i have 2 locks on it. assuming if someone was well prepared they could get into it but should keep most people honest.  pretty much the set up i'm running. I replaced the wing set up tho with some different bolts and a lock washer set up. 


https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fuploads.tapatalk-cdn.com%2F20180222%2Fb9d17d260ad33a2e3594688994ce745c.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rzrforums.net%2Frzr-xp-4-1000%2F446089-modified-rigid-toolbox-install-8.html&docid=WUBuzlCPtjTQNM&tbnid=gKcN7ZjD11XD3M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjAz5W6zJnlAhVOdt8KHePxAokQMwhtKAIwAg..i&w=1008&h=756&bih=881&biw=1280&q=rzr ridgid tool box&ved=0ahUKEwjAz5W6zJnlAhVOdt8KHePxAokQMwhtKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8

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36 minutes ago, AzDiamondHeat said:

i just drive a sxs that nobody wants.

Didnt know ford started making SXS lol jk. 

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Thanks for the advice. Picked up all my spares and a cable lock. 

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