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Desert Landscaping Question?? HELP PLEASE!!

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As AZkiller noted it is hard to get rid of the bermuda right now.  It has started going dormant for the winter.  When I redid my last yard I had to wait until it came back in the spring.  Then I sprayed it a couple times to make sure it was dead.  I then rented a sod cutter and took a couple layers of roots.  It turned out pretty good.

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  On 10/9/2019 at 4:18 AM, Coffeeman said:

Glyphosate is also linked to lymphoma... just saying. 

Post a peer reviewed medical journal study that shows this and I’ll buy it.  The stuff that pops up on your Facebook that your aunt Lucile saw in Mother Earth news doesn’t count.   Glyphosate is one of the safest Ag chemicals we have.  It’s been targeted because of who is behind it, not what is in the jug.  I’ve farmed for 20 years and I can assure you there are chemicals out there we need to be worried about but round up isn’t one of them.  Roundup will only give you trouble if you use photosynthesis to eat every morning, it degrades almost instantly when UV hits it so it has absolutely no residual.  Don’t believe the hype or you’re just as bad as the CNN following hippies out on the Kalifornia coast.  We truly all wouldn’t be on this forum discussing coues deer if we didn’t have roundup, we’d be fighting WW3 in some nasty butt heck hole in the Middle East.  

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  On 10/9/2019 at 2:03 PM, Coffeeman said:

Ummm not reading anything on Facebook. Just listened to what my Dad’s oncologist had to say about his diagnosis.

Sorry to hear about your dad. 

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Use a bobcat. Don't use plastic. 

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Your dad's oncologist is an idiot if he actually believes that. 

There are no peer reviewed studies showing a link.  A jury in California awarded a person money who claimed that RoundUp caused their lymphoma.  This does not mean there is any real evidence that it actually does.  Kind of like the breast implants and all the supposed cancers and maladies that they caused back in the 90's.  The studies eventually showed no correlation at all, but the lawyers and their clients never had to pay the money back that they were awarded by idiot juries who have no idea how to read a scientific paper.

And people wonder why healthcare and medical devices cost so much.



As to killing the yard.  Hit it with a heavy dose of glyphosphate in the fall.  Hit it again in late spring.  This should take care of most of the grass.  Do not use plastic.  I had to tear out a bunch of it when I bought my house 6 years ago.  It pokes up through the rocks or mulch and looks like heck.  A "soil" will eventually form on top of it with blown in dust and the weeds will just grow on top of it.  Chemical warfare is the way to go.  Pre-emergents are your friend to keep weeds from growing.

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You can use black plastic to cover and help kill the grass. We’ve sprayed and covered with black plastic and it worked well. Agree that I wouldn’t lay rock over it.

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  On 10/9/2019 at 2:03 PM, Coffeeman said:

Ummm not reading anything on Facebook. Just listened to what my Dad’s oncologist had to say about his diagnosis.

Sounds like dads oncologist is in bed with Jacoby And Meyers , or a quack

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  On 10/10/2019 at 3:38 AM, Coffeeman said:

Hey, you guys do you’re thing I’ll take an actual doctors advice and not use it myself. 

Hey man I'm sorry about your dad. All these guys are trying to say is Dr's are people too. Just like us with differing opinions and agendas. They just went to school longer. There may in fact be a link. There may not as well. Wish you the best.

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Ok , I was mentioned here so thought I would chime in. I was a landscape contractor for 33 year.Licensed , bonded ,insured and Incorperated for what its worth. I learned from one of the best. and studied it alot. I mainly designed and installed new homes . At least 2,300 in the valley over the years. My worst nightmare is what is trying to be done here. I hardly ever touched that crap. (Re-Do's) . Here why. As mentioned Bermuda roots can go 6 feet down.  In a newer house yes. In older areas mature Bermuda roots can go as deep as 12 foot. .Now to kill it, It has to be actively growing..Bermuda starts to go dormant when night tempatures go below 62.  I was allways told 3 sprayings 10 days apart in the heat is the most effective way to get rid of it. Then after 30-40 days scrape the top off. ,Roots should be dead.. Plastic is a no,no as it holds moisture underneath and it will activate and roots that didn't get sprayed good. Some of Bermuda allways comes back. Then under the plastic it seeks light, thus it comes up all around sidewalks ETC. Then as pre mentioned here., after a few years so much dust in our air ,silt builds up on top of the plastic and new weeds will grow as seeds blow in  Plastic SUCKS and waste of time and $.. Why I never did those Jobs is 2 years later if they didn't have it sprayed properly they are calling me. I have grass coming up. Not My fault. And about round up I allways heard it does not work in cooler temps either.  So there You have it . Have fun . I gave it all up in 2011.Been driving Semi since . Much easier. Some may think different than Me ,have at it.Another tip. Here, people spray weeds with round up. What for? when they die You have to pull them out. Wait till after a rain if you can and pull them out any way . No round up needed. Make sure You pull the root out.  Then to solve that problem much easier, put down a pre-emergant  and water it in and You wont have weeds....DONE...........BOB!

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Thanks, Bob, and everyone else! 

Good advice and information here.  Will take it all under advisement as I start to shape-up the new (old) house and property in the coming months/years!



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