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muzzleloader trophy catagories

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B&C (boone and crocket) recognizes ML too. It isn't a seperate category but you can still stick it in the book if it is 110" or bigger.


I had a buddy that found a lion kill mule deer a couple of years ago. It grossed over 200 and netted right at 200. He entered it into B&C. You don't even have to kill the animal to put it into B&C. It just has to have it's skull intact.


I'm sure someone else will know if there is an exact ML book.





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There is the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association also referred to as the Longhunter Society.


I am an official measurer for them as well as the other recordbooks. So if you want something scored, let me know. You can also contact them by phone at 812-667-5131.


or visit their website: NMRA



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