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36C opener

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hunted 36C with a buddy fri-sun night. my buddy got a nice 4x4 on saturday which was his biggest so far out of seven over the years. saw several camps with deer. the checkpoint at 3-points had 18 checked in as of 1:00 pm saturday. We saw aprx 50 does over 3 days nut only 6 bucks. lots of hunters. my friend scored near the elkhorn ranch which was crawling with hunters. I got skunked but got a good workout. Only had one running shot at a buck which I blew at 130 yards.

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I saw some deer last Saturday and Sunday and some bucks but no whoppers. The folks I was hunting with decided to not even attempt going after the little and medium sized deer, so much for trophy hunting. When I went through the checkpoint I saw some folks checking one of the mythical and legendary 4 point carps from one of those units. It looked like a good one to me, I hope it was not the last poor mature desert muley to roam the hills down there.


Bret M.

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update to my previous post, we were coues hunting, not the nearly extinct muley. We heard a big muley was checked also. Do other people count brow tines as points, I considered my friends to be a 3x3 with tines but he said he has always called them 4 points?

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I was down there for the first hunt and we ended up 2 for 2, both were junior hunters and one of them harvesting his first deer. The oldest boy shot a nice 3x3 @ 358yds, I was impressed. He said he felt confident with the shot so we let him take it. It was a cluster at times down there, we had people shooting at deer on the same hillside we were on. We saw quite a few deer and probably 5 or 6 bucks a day. I will be in 36c for my hunt this Friday, I have decided to backpack way in up high and try to escape the "war zone".

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Guest Ernesto C

azpackhorse,I have the exactly same plan so, we may see each other waaaay up there.God bless.


Ernesto C.

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I never count brow tines as points. Last year I killed a 3x3 coues if I were to count brow tines it would have been a 4x4. You are only cheating yourself when you count brow tines.............lol




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I too am planning on backpacking to avoid the crowds and maybe find an older deer. I have two backpacks on the living floor right now, so will have to see about whether I can fit the gear into the smaller, more comfortable pack. I got back from the shooting range yesterday, and have a great load for the French Lady launching 150 TSX's at 3250 into tiny groups :D . The 10 day forecast has a 30-50% rain chance for next weekend :lol: Don't forget the electical tape over the muzzle.



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Great advice with the electial tape over the muzzle I have never heard of that. I will have to try it next time I am out in the rain.

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Do you have to remove the tape befor you fire or can you just shoot through it. I saw a guy one time with a green baloon over his to keep the rain out. He said he just got used to removing it before the shot. He did say you could just shoot through it though. He said it made the shot more muffled too. I guess with coues and glassing you can remove it befor the shot anyway.


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Cool! cant wait to see some pic's. I use a balloon over my muzzle when I know it's going to rain,which is quite a bit here in Alaska.Daniel

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I just called my wife in the room to read redrabbit's post and to tell her "see I am not the only one with my gear laying all over the living room and cussing the weather man!" :lol: Too funny!

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Backpacking upwards? You guys are nuts, haven't you seen the size of some of those cliffs in the Baboquivari's :o ? Didn't you see the picture of that gigante 34B buck on the front page :huh: ? Think the same type deal ;) . Good luck guys and post some pics, even if you do kill one waaaaaaaay up there next to to the observatory and Pinon pines on Kitt Peak :rolleyes:.


Bret M.

Edited by bullwidgeon

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