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Gov tag buck

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I cannot for the life of me as a hunter fault another hunter for the way he hunts. This dude threw 300k+ out there for conservation, killed a huge buck that some other guided hunter would probably kill either way, and probably had a blast walking away from his company for a minute and spent some time in the woods with a few guys he enjoyed being around.


you spent $48 dollars for your deer tag and think your the cats butt because you scouted for 28 days because you're job and lifestyle provided you that time. I pity the rich man.

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2 minutes ago, azelkhunter2 said:

I could be mistaken but if this gentleman is who I think he is he has spent over 1 million dollars on auction tags in the past several yrs in Az alone....

I'm sure its who you think it is.. He hunts quite a bit. Lol

I think it's pretty darn impressive that we are fortunate enough to have animals of this caliber in AZ. 

Say what you want about GnF, but the fact that we have a chance, no matter how slim it is, to hunt or harvest an animal like this makes me want to give em a thumbs up. 


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3 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

I don’t hate the guy or guided hunts. I personally don’t care for the selling of the wildlife to the highest bidder. 

The auction is for an opportunity.  As it turns out, due to outfitter/guide involvment it basically selling wildlife to the highest bidder.  Although I am not 100% sure, I believe aspiring outfitters often offer services for minimal or no cost so as to have their watermark on the grip & grin photos that invariably flood the interweb.  I'm OK with it but it's not for me.

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10 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

I don’t hate the guy or guided hunts. I personally don’t care for the selling of the wildlife to the highest bidder. 

Kind of pees on the North American Model, don't worry I'm sure it will get worse. 

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Actually a number of the critter groups in the state are trying to reduce the number of auction tags across the board. While keeping the number of raffle tags the same

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1 minute ago, azelkhunter2 said:

Actually a number of the critter groups in the state are trying to reduce the number of auction tags across the board. While keeping the number of raffle tags the same


When did they come out with the second govenors tag and which organization does it beñefit?  Last year at this time, I believe, there was one. 

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17 minutes ago, azelkhunter2 said:

So are you opposed to all guided hunts ?....I only ask because as someone who has been in the industry for over 20 yrs what you described takes place numerous times each year on both draw tags and over the counter tags. If an outfitter does his job well and with a little luck a huge number of hunts end opening morning/day.....With the hunter only getting into camp the night before......Is it the money aspect of it ? Or ?

No not opposed at all to guided hunts. I get that, especially for out of state guys that can't take the time to scout.  All I'm saying is, it's a bought head,  not a hunted head.   I think we can all agree we would feel that a self guided hunt which yields a trophy probably feels a little bit better personally then if you were on a guided hunt. Im not saying theres anything wrong with a guide at all.  The only thing that makes me feel ok with this type of hunt is the huge amount of money that goes back to conversation. But still, the dude bought that animal.


Cj.. I'm not upset with the guy because he has huge amounts of money to play with. I'm actually happy for him and Congrats on a huge beautiful animal that few would ever even lay eyes on.  I'm just saying he bought it.  

But.. do you think a guy that built a multimillion dollar company from the ground up actually works harder then me, you or dang near any other hard working dude on this site? Lots of us here pour literal blood sweat and tears into what we do.  I know im not the only guy here that has paid with all three of those prices.  Just because someone has a big dollar sign next too his name does not necessarily mean that he deserves it any more then than any other hard working man out there. Lots of guys have that money who have even come close to earning it themselves.

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If he is a legit business man that built his company, I can guarantee he has worked harder than most of us ever will. I can also say that I bet most of those men envy the time you spend with your family. I spent 6 years working at some ridiculous private golf courses and private ski lodges both here in Arizona and in park city, Utah. 


The guys I surrounded myself with were guys that had multimillion dollar 3rd houses and were legit “rich” guys. I can without a doubt say these guys worked harder than I and most the guys I know ever will. They don’t get rich sitting around watching there money grow.


some will never appreciate what a rich guy has done to be successful and I get that. But I’ve been around a lot of these guys and they have always treated me and my wife with the utmost respect and never once tried to impress us with dollars. I think a lot of us regular dudes have A serious misconception of what it takes to become that rich. 


I don’t care how a person hunts, I just think if you are a mule deer guy you are second best to a coues hunter.

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3 hours ago, Swivelhead said:

Don't understand why auction/raffle tag hunters seem to consistently take antlered animals in velvet.  I understand strip archers would have a chance at the best deer prior to velvet stripping but the bulls are usually stripped by the 1st week of August.  Why not wait?

Ummm. Cuz they only have until the 15th

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Their has been two elk and two mule deer tags for quite a while. In the past the deer tags went to both the ADA and the MDF and the elk tags went to AES and RMEF. ADA auctioned their tag here in the state and MDF held their event in Utah. That was until last yr when one of the elk tags went to the new deer group AMD. So with three deer groups in the state the deer tags are now awarded in a random draw. For 2020 the ADA and MDF were awarded mule deer tags. I know AES received one of the elk tags and I’m not sure who got the second one. It is my understanding that RMEF will no longer participate in the process after what took place last yr. 

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