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Any bug guys?

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This is in the wall on my patio in Scottsdale. The wall faces north. It’s about 4” long and 1.5” wide. No holes in it. Has only been there in the last month or so. Grew up in AZ but never seen anything. Like it.

any ideas?



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Kill it now...

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Here is what Uof A said...

The mud dauber wasps make nests out of mud that may look like clumps of mud stuck on a wall.  Some construct pipe structures that the line up in rows in sheltered places.  The wasps enclose paralyzed spiders within the nests (often widow spiders) for their young to feed on.  The wasps themselves are quite beautiful, about an inch in length or longer.  Some are dark iridescent blue, some yellow and black, all have a narrow, elongated waist.  They are solitary wasps and only sting if molested.  Generally the next generation will not emerge until next spring.  This nest is interesting as usually they are more uniformly colored.  As they are made from mud the best way to remove them is by spraying them with water.  When they are attached to painted surfaces or stucco chipping them off can result in removing chunks of paint and stucco.

just never seen one like this. They're goners.

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On 7/24/2019 at 5:44 AM, lancetkenyon said:

Yep.  Probably larvae inside right now if no holes....yet.

They put spiders in there and an egg so when it grows it feeds on the spider. If you have ever seen a small black wasp with a blue hue land on the ground and search all around it is looking for a spider to sting and paralyze.

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2 hours ago, PRDATR said:

They put spiders in there and an egg so when it grows it feeds on the spider. If you have ever seen a small black wasp with a blue hue land on the ground and search all around it is looking for a spider to sting and paralyze.

I didn't know that mud daubers did that.  For a second I thought you were refering to a  tarantula hawk.

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