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4B late hunt

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Hey there everyone so I drew a bull tag for unit 4B for the first time need some guidance never hunted elk before only Coues southernAz I’ve already been told it’s gonna be a tough hunt.  I will be heading over to unit 4B to get to know the area in September any tips you guys can give me will be greatly appreciated thanks 

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Personally I have no knowledge of this unit but I pulled this off a source online regarding your hunt.

“Out of 160 tags issued last year there was a 38% success rate”

Elk numbers are low throughout the unit since most elk migrate. Bigger bulls are usually taken during the early archery season. Expect broken antlers in late seasons. It is important to scout right before the season begins because elk move a lot during migration. Check out the area around Dry Lake for bulls and the Pink Cliffs for glassing”





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