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Hunting Predators

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No coyotes, he said that coyotes have been by them but have not attempted to go in. No foxes either but he isn't setting his traps in fox country. High country only. He believes his traps are not quite big enough for coyotes which may be the reason for not catching any. My brother owns a metal fabrication company and we have been tinkering with the idea of building some but like you said people stealing them is a worry.



Being in the "high" couintry like you are that problem won't be as bad as down in the desert. If you make your own just figure in you design a way to chain them so if someone does want to try and steal them two thing happen one they have to bust their butt and really work at it and second if they do they ruin the trap so there is no way the could ever us them. So all they would have is a sore back and a pile of junk they can't use.

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