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Gun License/Registration

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I am in the middle of a debate with a "friend" about the idea of having to be trained and licensed to own a gun and all guns would then need to be registered!

His comment was, "Why are law abiding citizens worried about license/registration of their guns? We have a drivers license and register our cars!"

I've alway felt like this was just that next big step just before confiscation!

Anybody have any thoughts? I am trying to keep my composure, he has already informed me I was just ignorant.......so you can see why that friendship might be on thin ice!

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Driving a car is a privilege that can be taken away by the government. Owning a gun is a RIGHT guaranteed by the Constitution. Ignorance is not knowing the difference.

Also, there are not large groups of ill-informed lemmings trying to take away our cars because a politician and the mainstream media has convinced them to be scared of an inanimate object.

I have always found it amusing that the same people who want to remove guns also defend the rights of the criminals that illegally use that gun. How can the perpetrator e "innocent" and the tool be guilty?




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I dont use my guns on the highway.  I use them in the desert and forests or in my private properties.  If I have a vehicle I dont drive on the road, I dont have to register it.  I am free to own it and keep it .  Your "friend" is an ignorant dipstick liberal.

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In his argument he implies that “you have to be trained and licensed to operate a vehicle”. This is true if you operate that vehicle on public roads.  You do not have to having any training or licensing to own a vehicle.  Just like owning a firearm requires no training or licensing.  If you choose to carry your fire arm in public places you may need to have training or licensing like a concealed carry.  Obviously there are State level differences with this.  He is comparing apples and watermelons when comparing operating of an item and ownership of that item.  If I own a vehicle and it is parked on my private property and not used on public roadways then no licensing or training is required.  

Your friend is blending arguments and missing the details along the way.  


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You're never going to change someones mind arguing on facebook. 

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With any firearm legislation, law abiding citizens are not the problem. 



That's really all you need to tell your friend.

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11 minutes ago, firstcoueswas80 said:

With any firearm legislation, law abiding citizens are not the problem. 



That's really all you need to tell your friend.

That was exactly my first response to him. I know he's a liberal, I know he is still butthurt over the election...........just trying to common sense him but failing miserably!

Sometimes 2+2 doesn't equal 4 for some people!

Edited by Non-Typical Solutions
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We have been registering our guns since 1968, when you buy a gun that ATF form you fill out isn't for the stores record! The question that I would ask your liberal buddy Is what more laws could they pass against guns that isn't on the books, but not enforced?

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There are already 22,000 gun laws across the country. Why would we need one more? It is absolutely the step necessary for confiscation. I will not comply. SHAL NOT BE INFRINGED

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Don’t know $hit from shinola! Haha I love that! Tell your “friend” if the gun laws already in place were actually inforced, lots of shooting wouldn’t happen. Look at states and cities with the toughest restrictions. The majority of guns used in a crime never even went thru any laws. The good people will obey the laws, will the bad??

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