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UPS loses cabelas TAGS

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It's not fair to allow Cabela's apps to be accepted! That's a fact.......and it's too bad for the applicant's but that's a risk you take when allowing someone else to apply for you. What about all the other folks who showed up at 7:05 pm on deadline day and got rejected???? What's scary is that the commision REALLY wants to accept these apps because of all the money they represent and I don't think it will be hard for Cabela's lawyers to persuade them.....and it probably doesn't matter if the public speaks up or not.....as usual. Everyone should be treated the same regardless who you are or how much business you provide and rules are rules.......right?

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If there is any possible way I am going to try and be there, this is ridiculous that they are even going to listen to this. I would think there could be a class action lawsuit against them if this happens, everyone who has had an app returned for just about any reason could ask for an extension, if you mess up, you mess up, it don't matter who caused you to mess up in the end the only one who should receive the blame is you. They screwed up and now they are trying to screw everyone that did it right. If AZGFD allows this to happen They are in for a world of backlash, here they are asking us to support them against the legislature, but they are going to piss all over us because of a big money corporation and 600 applications that were LATE.

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A class action suit against G&F should be pursued if this happens.

You know that is what Cabela's is going to threaten if they are denied, why not us?


Maybe Lark could be our lawyer?



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If this is accepted then they will have to reopen the app process for another few days to allow all people to send in their apps., big freaking mess. Iwish we could sue rthem for even thinking this.

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I don't even know what to say :angry: I'm at a loss of words :( but you bet your butt if me all left one of the members of this site to drop off our apps and they missed the deadline we would be screwed :o so should they :o sorry... if you want something done right sometimes you just need to do it yourself...I also emailed all of them :(

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Un fricken believable!!!


Like what was already said is many of people have been rejected because of this exact same thing and they did not

get a second chance.


This blows :angry: :angry:


Anybody on here know a good lawyer?


I guess we should wait to the 14th cause maybe they will do the right thing on this issue.

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I will stop buying all of my salt and corn from Cabela's if this goes through.


:P :lol: :P

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I just emailed them and this is what it said.


If the AZGFD accepts these applications from Cabela's I personally hit you with a law suit so fast that

it will make your fricken head spin!!!




Your long time pain in the butt



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I just emailed them and this is what it said.


If the AZGFD accepts these applications from Cabela's I personally hit you with a law suit so fast that

it will make your fricken head spin!!!




Your long time pain in the butt



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Typical G & F B.S. that they are even considering this - they Never cease to amaze. Rules are rules unless threatened with a lawsuit. In addition to emailing and calling the G & F venting your displeasure, we should all be e-mailing Cabelas expressing that we (I) have just spent my last dollar with their business.

When their AZ bottom line shrinks maybe they will get the idea that we all play by the same rules and next year they won't wait till the day before to mail or ship their applications.

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Big money stores such as Cabelas are or claim to be based on customer service. And as far as i know most of us on this site and others are customers. i would encourage everyone to email their corporate office with complaints and reasons why you feel their actions on filing a law suit or freezing the draw are childish and unnacceptable, for whatever reason you feel it is. IMO a deadline is a DEADLINE! Im personally sending them a email just after i finish this. With enough "customer" input and talk of boycott from a large majority that will be upset to say the least, it may sway an opinion. We can complain all we want but those of us whom decide to take action and stand up for ourselves are the ones who may keep things right and fair. I encourage you and anyone you know who is concerned about this to email a complaint to cabelas and pass it on to every hunter you know to do the same.

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I Have no question, I hope this email is obtained by the correct person in your corporate office. I am a Avid hunter and fisherman in the state of Arizona. I shop frequently at your store and am afraid that if your threats to the Arizona Game and Fish department about delaying our draw and attepts to take legal action on extending our draw DEADLINE are not ceased I promise I will not ever again set foot in your store, nor open one of your catalogs. Even the thought of this is a disgrace to a store I thought stood for what is right and fair. In my state it is a priviledge to draw any tag let alone Elk or Pronghorn Antelope. These tags are coveted by many, whom take the draw process seriously and are responsible enough to get their applications in on their own. I do not feel that because cabelas or UPS dropped the ball you should cause so many of of your customers in this state to be subject to your beliefs. It is quite childish to Whine and complain that your apps were only two hours late, and what professional company waits till the last day to get the apps to AZGFD. I feel sorry for the 600 you represent, yet rules are rules and those who take the draw more seriously did get their apps in on time. I promise I will let this be known to everyone I know or come in contact with who shops or may shop at your store. I will use your Flyers in the mail and offers in the mail as kindling at my campfire when I do draw a Tag, because I was responsible enough to get my application to the CORRECT address as so plainly stated in the regulations. Unfortunately for you I am very active In the hunting and fishing community along with others that will affect your store.



Quite Sincerely,




My email.

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