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Trail Cam BAN

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Before this turns into a daytime drama series. I called Azgfd. Anybody can petition the commissioners for a rule change.

Even disgruntled hunters with 2 strip tags last year with only a 50% success rate. 

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1 hour ago, JSR said:

 who is stopping you?

Absolutely no one. I really don't care. Just trying get a rise.

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3 hours ago, 654321 said:

If the commission is heck bent on banning trail cams they will eventually find a reason that they all can agree upon, actually Davis really only needs to turn one vote his way he only needs 2 other votes.

Commissioner Davis saw what the people wanted and the way the other commissioners were leaning and put aside his own personal conviction for the will of the people!! He is a man of integrity in my opinion! 

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6 hours ago, bonecollector said:

50 guys arent checking cams at same time. 

I’ve seen 49


I think the concern would be less that 50 guys would check at one time but more like 50 guys every few hours all week long constantly pushing animals off the tanks.


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From what I’ve seen, it’s not the cameras that are the problem, rather some owners who believe it’s THEIR private spot when something good is photographed. JMO

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AZ should do like Nevada, take your camera down a month or so before seasons open. I have personally seen well over 30 cameras on one small tank unit will remain un-named. I don’t run cameras & don’t really care who does, but I have had setups blown because some douche decided to come check his cameras with his buddies while a season is open. I guess it boils down to ethics & etiquette, some hunters have it & a lot of hunters DON’T!!!

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7 hours ago, CouesFanatic said:

Yeah lets ban laser range finders, long range guns, wind meters, turrets, scopes, 4x4 trucks, utv's and compound bows. Be a real man and shoot them with a hand made bow and arrow with a rock on the end! ....it never ends

Just because someone would like to dial back all the high tech just a bit doesn't mean they want to revert back to the stone ages.  The tech is getting better and better, the gear and hunters are as well. In the end it means more animals killed or wounded. And possibly a reduction in tags and animal quality. In my opinion a line does need to be drawn somewhere, the problem of course is where do you draw that line.  The other problem is how do you get us all to agree?

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6 hours ago, CouesFanatic said:

I realize that, I don't think I've even seen a tank even on the strip with more than 10-12 cameras on it. How often do you need to check them? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? It's not like all 10 guys are checking them daily. Even if they were, it's not rear round, probably right before or during the hunt. Don't you think waterholes get that much pressure from archery elk hunters anyways even if cameras were banned? A guy sitting the bank of the waterhole for the two week archery hunt puts more pressure on the game than 10 guys driving in for 10 minutes and checking the cam.

I have no clue. It’s always fun to stir the pot when it comes to cameras. I used to use them and now I don’t. I’ve thought about using them again but that would take funds away from building rifles and I much prefer buying powder vs batteries. 


Nobody will I’ll ever win the camera debate. I just hope there will be a world someday where people won’t steal stuff so we don’t have to hear whining about stolen cameras.

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9 minutes ago, cjl2010 said:

I have no clue. It’s always fun to stir the pot when it comes to cameras. I used to use them and now I don’t. I’ve thought about using them again but that would take funds away from building rifles and I much prefer buying powder vs batteries. 


Nobody will I’ll ever win the camera debate. I just hope there will be a world someday where people won’t steal stuff so we don’t have to hear whining about stolen cameras.

I'd whine more about a stolen rifle, opposed to a camera. That world will never exist, the $hit bags will still be here along with the cockroaches.😳

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Just now, 5guyshunting said:

I'd whine more about a stolen rifle, opposed to a camera. That world will never exist, the $hit bags will still be here along with the cockroaches.😳

Unfortunately you are probably right.

It’s always an awkward time between elk results and deer draw odds. Until then I say we continue stirring the pot.

Real hunters don’t use cameras.

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I’ve never had my cameras stolen or even seen. Why’s this an issue? Is it some pissed off guide? A pissed of wanna be hunter with more money and cameras than they could ever use, or just a millennial act that makes no sense at all?

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9 minutes ago, muledeerarea33? said:

I’ve never had my cameras stolen or even seen. Why’s this an issue? Is it some pissed off guide? A pissed of wanna be hunter with more money and cameras than they could ever use, or just a millennial act that makes no sense at all?

Why did you have to use the M word...

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1 hour ago, cjl2010 said:

Unfortunately you are probably right.

It’s always an awkward time between elk results and deer draw odds. Until then I say we continue stirring the pot.

Real hunters don’t use cameras.

I'm gonna try and get a pic of you stirring your pot!😄

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