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Hunt guidlines

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Look at all that red.  Down 1560 tags.  This makes no sense.  Must be a typo because we all know the only thing the G$F cares about is making that money.  This could damage their reputation as the money loving tag whores a lot of guys believe them to be.  What in TARNATION is going on here!      

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I was happy as heck to see the decline in tags. There are alot of units that would benefit from even less tags. 

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I just wish they would reduce the tags in a lot of the southern units!  Those units get hunted extremely hard and need a break!!!!!

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37 minutes ago, Big Browns said:

I just wish they would reduce the tags in a lot of the southern units!  Those units get hunted extremely hard and need a break!!!!!

I was wondering about this same topic a few months ago while on a hunt down on one of the border units.  Between early hunts, junior hunts, Nov 'general' hunts, Early Dec hunts and finally the late Dec rut hunts, it seems like the deer get pounded non-stop.  (I think the G&F refers to their methodology of multiple hunts through the course of the fall as a 'stratified' hunt management....)

It's interesting......  Even though the deer get pounded pretty hard, it still seems like there are VERY healthy populations down south.  At least in the couple of units that I mainly hunt in.

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This sucks not gonna lie, probably cause it’s my favorite unit to hunt in. My bro posted on Facebook and got lots of different views for and against it. I’ve been hunting there a lot and honestly I don’t see the unit being a “trophy unit” and don’t see it being a potential unit either when it’s not being managed correctly. It will not even come close to the kiabad, 27, 23 etc. The wolves definitely have a huge impact on the deer herd. Few years back one of our areas was pressured heavily with the wolves. I get the guides would like this, more dedicated clients if they get drawn. Don’t get me wrong I’ve seen a few huge bucks come out of there but it’s nothing like 27. 27 will most likely get a lot more pressure and we might see 27 for a archery drawn shorty to follow. I haven’t had the time to read all the comments from FB yet, but I would like to know how they determined to go to a draw only for unit 1. This unit can be tough finding good bucks if you don’t spend a lot scouting. Sorry for my rant, just bummed that it happened to the unit I enjoy hunting most.

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Last time they went to a draw for U1 archery, the herd improved a lot and very quickly. I grew up in unit 1 and hunt it a lot for deer and elk and i am happy to see it go back to a draw. U1 won’t be anything like kaibab but it does have great genetics and if it stays a draw, it’ll be similar to 3a/3c. My dad spoke to a game warden in 27 this year who told him that a store in unit 27 sold 800 nonresident archery deer tags in january alone. He also said to expect to see many units go to draw for archery, especially in January. It’s a hard reality, but with the number of archery hunters now and the level of efficiency, something had/has to be done. You can’t continue with near statewide OTC archery deer tags and expect populations and age class to improve. I am sure the reason why they plan on cutting out 1600 tags is to compensate for the exponential increase in OTC archery hunters. 

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I'm probably in the minority here but I would welcome a 3 point restriction. Both sides can argue their points but I have seen it make a big difference in deer quality and it happens very quickly. At least it did in Arkansas where I used to hunt every year while visiting friends.

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It’s my understanding (from G&F I spoke to) that when the harvest limit is above 20% for three years in a row then the OTC Archery Hunt changes to a draw hunt.  The harvest in unit 1 was almost 30%, per G&F.  I’m not sure how they quantify those numbers for 2018 season, as the questionaire just arrived?   I was told they also look at helicopter count survey trends (not many deer observed in unit 1), license sales and number of field checked harvested deer as well. 

I’m all for sound scientific  management and what is proper for herd conditions to reach carrying capacity and buck to doe ratio objectives. However, I believe it is equally important to base your conclusions on accurate data and not ‘volunteer’ reporting or formula based objectives.  


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