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How do you hang skin

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im amazed at the diiferent ways people hang and skin deer. iv tried several but the way i do it anymore is to hang from back legs on a single tree( redneck for gambrel). then just skin him down. how do you all do it?

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I've taken to mainly going 'gutless' on my animals lately, so mainly skin it one side at a time while on the ground (no hanging).  If hanging though, it's always been "redneck style :lol:" hanging from a tree branch by the back legs.

We did use the 'golf ball' method once (used a redneck rock) with a cow elk.  Tied that one to a tree by the neck.  Seemed to work OK.


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Seems like there is never a tree in sight, except once about 30 years ago when I shot a spike Mule Deer near Cottonwood Camp in 24. I had some rope but it wasn't easy getting it hung in that palo verde tree by myself.

I think most people will agree that hanging from the rear legs is the norm when hanging one.

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