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I was fooled

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Well I stated I got drawn for unit 1 elk early archery!  Pending came through and couldn't look any better from on line but it was another purchase!   Im so depressed I thought last night I snagged a great tag!!!  Not elk hunting this year!  So sad

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11 minutes ago, Zeke-BE said:

Well I stated I got drawn for unit 1 elk early archery!  Pending came through and couldn't look any better from on line but it was another purchase!   Im so depressed I thought last night I snagged a great tag!!!  Not elk hunting this year!  So sad


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What a bummer.  Was it another charge for $135?   I guess it's more proof that hunting makes us experience every human emotion there is.  High highs, low lows, and everything in between.  To put a positive spin on it, you got another bonus point!  (That might be poor consolation but it's all I got.)

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Right about there right next to the 5 dollar point gaurd and the 30 dollar application.  All three came out the same time and were pending.  My wife said last night just wait one more day to make sure.   

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Not to get your hopes up again. . . I’m with BofA.  A couple of years ago I had a pending charge and then it disappeared the next day and stayed gone for about 2 days and then came back and all was good.  

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Ill keep checking though

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That sucks.  Two years ago I was in a meeting with a bunch of suit types and a text message came at 7:30 a.m. day after dead line to update CC's and I glanced at it and it said by CC was hit for $135.  I couldn't contain myself and started jumping up and down...yeah, I sorta made an butt of myself...oh well. Then last year got a tag as well...I guess I used up all  my luck cause nothing yet....

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That's too bad, sorry to hear!  I started checking since Friday, each time I'd login to my account with hope and excitement...only to be depressed to not see a charge.  Went in with 9 Elk BP & 15 Antelope BP...crickets this year!  Here's to the Deer draw in a few months and next year's Elk/Antelope opportunity! 

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What was the $30 for, sounds like Wyoming goat point.

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