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Day 4 Stink Pig /1st Ever

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Day one of the hunt started with me shoveling snow all day trying to dig my camper out of the yard. Ugg. Day two I finally got out and spent the day humping hills, and glassing with no luck. Day three I spent humping hills, and glassing some more. At the end of the day I finally spotted 2 pigs about 629 yards away. I couldn't get setup for a comfortable shot, so I let them walk. Day four I went back to the same spot I had seen the pigs the day before. After 3 hours of nothing, I got up and moved a ridge deeper into the unit. I sat down and heard a pig squealing over the NEXT ridge. I packed up, and moved to the next ridge. I started glassing, and couldn't find the pigs making the noise. But I did spot a big Male bobcat. I moved in closer for a shot, and spotted the pigs. They were all huddled up under a tree. I setup for a shot, and my 7 saum found its mark at 309 yards. I tried to get on the cat after the pig, but I was too slow. I went over to where the cat was sitting, and found a baby javelina dead. The cat had bit his throat and killed it. All in all it was a great hunt. I probably should have shot the bobcat first, but I've killed plenty of Bobcats, and I really wanted to get a pig under my belt. I capped it, and it's off to the taxidermist. 






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Awesome experience. Thanks for sharing. Yeah I’d have shot the cat first...I don’t have a cat or pig under my belt yet. Congrats on the first pig!

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Awesome! You reminded me of a time I had  javelina located, maybe 700 yards off and they all spooked. I was glassing around and could only see a road runner, I was watching it and caught moment below. A bobcat was stalkin the roadrunner and shortly after got it! One solid leap and he pounded it. Those pigs ran off a good half mile and started feeding again, wouldn’t surprise me if bobcats slay those red/juvies all the time.

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Good job, what are you going to do with it at the taxidermist? I have always like the javi rug mount. Just always quartered em not to pack the stink in. Haha

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7 hours ago, rkv09 said:

Good job, what are you going to do with it at the taxidermist? I have always like the javi rug mount. Just always quartered em not to pack the stink in. Haha

Plan on doing a shoulder mount. I wasn't sure how much skin he would need. So I just capped the whole thing. Lol.

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Cool story and awesome pics!  Thanks for sharing.  I hadn't considered doing anything with the hide for the exact reason rkv09 mentioned... but you may have inspired me to rethink it a little.  Nice work man!

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