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My Rights As An American

Backpack stolen from truck

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Wow, what an amazing story and turn of events. I absolutely hate thieves and hate the fact that you have to have everything under lock-and-key even while eating lunch. On the other hand, you were lucky enough to have your things taken by someone who was clearly desperate, but had enough conscience to return them when he realized how wrong it was. Guess I went from give him a good beat down to give him a meal and place to stay warm for a night in a matter of minutes reading this. 

Glad you are still able to take the kids out. Too bad it was marred by this, but despite the negative aspect, we also got to see a lot of the best in people - folks lining up to loan you gear, come help, and even the bad guy turned out to be less bad. Lots of positives. Best of luck on the remainder of your hunt, and thanks for sharing.

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10 hours ago, My Rights As An American said:

I tried to look for him and waited outside for a while after I retrieved my stuff. I drove around looking for him. Had a pretty poor description but I am sure he was watching to clear his conscience. Could not find anyone that late at night hanging around. Was not looking for confrontation.

You have to understand, my brother was murdered years ago by two homeless men who beat him to death. It can be rough out there. Having this happen brought back a lot of interesting emotions. 

Holy crap dude. That's terrible I'm very sorry to hear that happened. I can't imagine the wave of emotions  this this event has brought on.  Who knows maybe God is trying to tell you something or bring you and your family some level of healing. Or maybe just sheer irony,  makes you wonder.

I agree with edge, someone needs to give this guy a job.

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2 hours ago, Roosevelt Mark said:

Most of them choose that life. He lives in the same world we do but he has a pipe in his pocket.

Not all homeless are bad people, if all he wanted was to fill his pipe he could have sold the pack and stuff inside for a few bucks but he didn’t. He returned it. 

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23 hours ago, PRDATR said:

Sounds like life has already beat him down.

Most of them choose that life. He lives in the same world we do but he has a pipe in his pocket.

I didn't say all but most. If it was a purse and had money in it you bet your azz the cash is in his pocket and the purse in the dumpster.


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Maybe the guy had a pipe in his pocket, maybe he didn't. He did something wrong then corrected it. He has a working conscience. If he didn't bring the stuff back then certainly a beat down, but not for bringing it back.

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So the guy chose his way of life or didn't, he had a pipe in his pocket or didn't, he had a conscience or realized he had no way to dump the jackpot of a backpack or some other reason completely, he was a man or really Bruce Jenner on vacation, he was in the country illegally or he wasn't, beat him up or feed him a steak.  Wow.....

The only conclusion I was able to come to was that "My Rights As An American" was just given a mulligan that is basically unheard of. 

Glad it worked out and you were able to take the kids hunting.

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