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Do we really need a border wall?

Do we really need a wall?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. With the shutdown going can't help but wonder what opinions are of the subject. A wall could work maybe but would a lot of Border Agents lose jobs? On a smaller scale you might still have to consider wildlife such as Jaguars. What do you guys think is the best approach?

    • Build a giant physical wall.
    • A high tech wall With more sensors, night vision cams and blimps similar to what we have in Sierra Vista, supported by more Border agents
    • Hire more Border Agents

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We need a Dam on the Santa Cruz river where Nogales Sonora dumps its sewage.  US spent millions to build a sewage treatment plant to clean up the Mexican crap coming the other side of the border.  G&F  spends thousands every year cleaning up dump sites full of Mexican trash discarded in the southern units.  When the fire season starts every year many of the "undetermined causes" fires are started and left by illegal border crossers from Mexico.  If the press would report on ALL of the consequences of this invasion it would be mind boggling.  😢

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7 hours ago, ThomC said:

We need a Dam on the Santa Cruz river where Nogales Sonora dumps its sewage.  US spent millions to build a sewage treatment plant to clean up the Mexican crap coming the other side of the border.  G&F  spends thousands every year cleaning up dump sites full of Mexican trash discarded in the southern units.  When the fire season starts every year many of the "undetermined causes" fires are started and left by illegal border crossers from Mexico.  If the press would report on ALL of the consequences of this invasion it would be mind boggling.  😢


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Said it before and I'll keep saying it.  Why would we not want to have a national border secure.  A national border, frankly I don't care if its a wall, human eyes or electronic surveillance.  On the side note though, I'm not sure a wall will make it that much more secure.  Human ingenuity seems to have a way when desperate.  Its not feasible to make a wall then to leave it static.  Give it a couple weeks before you'll see evidence of breach.  Thats just human nature.

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The president should have called it a barrier.  We need a barrier made out of whatever is needed to keep criminals out of our country.  Any one barrier will not stop criminal activity.  But it is a start, then we can improve on that.  The number two benefit of the wall or barrier is the road that would be created to build the wall.  Border patrol could respond to illegal crossing quickly if there was road accessing the whole border.  So, quit playing word games with the word wall.  The liberals, socialists, closet communist want poor mexicans to come to the USA because they as a rule vote for the free stuff party.  USA is also an escape area for criminals that have committed crimes in Mexico.  The border with Mexico is ground zero for criminal activity.  President Trump is the junk yard dog we need to stop this shoot.  I dont care what he calls it, we need it and more to stop the criminals from entry to our country.  😒

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cancel all ebt and access programs for a year and crack down on e-verify which is easy to fool.

This will also force all white,brown,black system suckers to get off their butt and get a job.  

Would also pay off the national debt at the same time.

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9 hours ago, TOBY said:

cancel all ebt and access programs for a year and crack down on e-verify which is easy to fool.

This will also force all white,brown,black system suckers to get off their butt and get a job.  

Would also pay off the national debt at the same time.

Are you retarded? How would libs stay in power?

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Some hard working people really need those things, like single moms with dead beat dads. Want it to keep out the bad.

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The problem is Trump wants to build it on the wrong border.... it should be on the Arizona / California border!  Then California can welcome all the ilegos they want, give all of  them" santuary", including the criminals,   and let them suck their bankrupt state dry.  Arizona wins by not getting any more Califruities moving here with their stupid ideas, Priuses,  and codes.                                                                                                          


Lets Make Arizona Great Again!

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Build a 50' tall concrete wall from Texas to Cali with electrified concertina wire on top.  Dig the footers so deep so no one can tunnel underneath.  Project would create thousands of jobs and the cost would be insignificant compared to the 800 billion dollar "stimulus" package Obama passed back in 2008 to bail out all the bankers. 


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