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Do we really need a border wall?

Do we really need a wall?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. With the shutdown going can't help but wonder what opinions are of the subject. A wall could work maybe but would a lot of Border Agents lose jobs? On a smaller scale you might still have to consider wildlife such as Jaguars. What do you guys think is the best approach?

    • Build a giant physical wall.
    • A high tech wall With more sensors, night vision cams and blimps similar to what we have in Sierra Vista, supported by more Border agents
    • Hire more Border Agents

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Enforce laws, build a wall, get more personal and equipment out there. The only reason I have against it is the wild life issue but it's a sacrifice I am ok with. I am sure they can still cross where there might be a natural barrier, if not then oh well.

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if they enforced the laws on the books already and didnt give out 4 billion in tax refunds to illegals they wouldnt come and we wouldnt need a wall. but they dont

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They need to pay taxes.  Enforce the current rules.  Also charge a money transfer fee to Mexico.  Billions of dollars go from The US via transfers every year.  Just enforce the current laws and that would reduce the "want" to come here. 

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Illegals must be kept from entering the US. That's a fence a wall a human barricade. Nothing else is as important in this debate.

Drones and sensors tell you where they're at but doesn't keep them out. Once an illegal sets foot in tthe US, its catch and release. What a nightmare.

Seriously, they are undocumented Democrats. Why do you think the left is against voter ID?

Even the illegals that aren't voting, cluster into latino neighborhoods, swelling the population and creating more left leaning congressional districts that certainly don't vote Republican.


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Build the wall

Didn't the government kill the last Jaguar with a trap? Wall seems more humane

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12 minutes ago, WHALE said:

Build the wall

Didn't the government kill the last Jaguar with a trap? Wall seems more humane

Did they? Please tell me all about it.

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1 hour ago, CatfishKev said:

Did they? Please tell me all about it.

Old news...pay attention...Game & Fish killed jaguar Macho B several years ago

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Bears and Mountain lions have been photographed climbing over the 20ft fence on numerous occasions... so go find some more fake news...



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8 hours ago, Tropicalmulch said:

Add to the list. Eliminate government hand outs 

Do this and Mexico might build a wall to keep all the lazy butt Americans out.

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12 hours ago, firstcoueswas80 said:

Your poll needs a D. all of the above option.

I absolutely agree that the most effective Border Protection will be a combination of methodologies... Should be no problem putting some openings in strategic locations for Jaguar and other animals to cross from one side to the other... those Crossing spots don't need to be big enough for a vehicle to pass through... Of course cameras and other detection devices would be installed right at that those openings to catch the Border crossers that you know will be attempting to cross through at those spots... A solid wall would not be possible along every inch of the Border... Concentrate your men and cameras strategically along the most likely Crossing spots... I still think the Border can be made as tight as a bull's butt in fly season with the right amount of planning and the will to follow through with those plans... By the way I have spent quite a bit of the last 50 years putting down boot leather all over the southern border hunt units... so that's where I've come up with my opinions about border security.......

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Apologies whale, there's a lot more to that story then what I remembered.  I thought he just got sick and died out near ajo somewhere.

Those pics are crazy, I guess the wall ain't much of a deterrent for wildlife after all.  

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