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Lunar eclipse tonight!

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Get out and see the lunar eclipse if you can. I think the partial eclipse starts sometime around 7:15 and is total by 7:50 pm (at least that is what the newspaper had a week or two ago). But I think the link below shows slightly different times.




Anyway, if you can, check it out. Supposed to be one of the best lunar eclipse for years to come.


"One of best lunar eclipses we'll see for years takes place during the evening of Feb. 20. The earliest stage starts before the moon rises for Arizonans, but by the time the good part begins, the moon will be visible - weather permitting - everywhere in the state. "





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I thought you were talking about the Shaq eclipse during the Suns game. JK



I was looking for the time to watch it earlier and didn't see it, I will get the kids out to take a look at it, Thanks Amanda.

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Sky was clear until about 6:30 pm, then it got all cloudy. Now it's lightning, thunder and rain. I hope at least someone else got to see the eclipse!





No luck for me in Scottsdale, it was just to cloudy :angry:

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We got a pretty good view of it in Surprise. I couldn't get any good picture though, but it had a nice red hue to it that made it real difficult to see through the telescope as there was not enough light. It was a cool thing to see, worth going outside and freezing my butt off.



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we had everything set up to veiw and photograph it but the clouds killed any chace of us seeing it. :angry:

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I did get to see about 1/3 of the eclipse at 7pm. Then when at 8pm when I got out off class it was just too cloudy. What a shame, it going to be nice. What I did see was beautiful!






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With the sunlight to be reflected from the moon being blocked out, it got cold in N AZ last night. The cow jumping over the moon must have kicked over the milk pail as frozen white stuff covered the scape overnight.






I was looking forward to seeing the eclipse too.

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