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Tag Transfer

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Is there anything in place for like a 22 year old kid to transfer a tag for example to his mom? Is his only option going to be donating it to a  qualifying organization?


Tag Transfer Program

Under Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. 17-332), there are circumstances where a big game hunt permit-tag can be transferred. Should you be unable to use your big game tag, the Department is unable to reimburse you for your fees or reinstate your bonus points.

Circumstances where a tag can be transferred or donated

  • Transfer from a parent, grandparent or guardian to their minor child or grandchild. A parent, grandparent or legal guardian holding a big game tag may allow the use of that tag by their minor child or minor grandchild pursuant to the following requirements:
  • The minor child is 10 to 17 years old on the date of transfer;
  • The minor child has a valid hunting or combination license on the date of transfer;
  • A minor child less than 14 years old has satisfactorily completed a Department-approved hunter education course by the beginning date of the hunt;
  • The parent or guardian must accompany the child in the field or, if a grandparent allows a minor grandchild to use the grandparent’s permit or tag, the grandparent, parent or the child’s guardian must accompany the child in the field. In either case, the adult must be within 50 yards of the child when the animal is taken.
**Note: There is a $4 fee for the big game tag transfer to cover the administrative costs for processing the transfer and producing an additional tag. See more info. Once a tag is transferred at a Department office, the original permittee may no longer use it.

Donation to a Qualifying Minor Child or Grandchild

Donation to a qualifying organization for use by a minor child with a life-threatening medical condition or permanent physical disability. You may donate your tag to a qualifying nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides hunting opportunities to children with life-threatening medical conditions or qualifying permanent physical disabilities. There is no tag transfer fee for making the donation. Please contact the organization directly to arrange for a donation.

Some organizations include:

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Yes, donating to a qualifying organization is his only option.

What kind of tag has he got?

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16 minutes ago, Flatlander said:

Yes, donating to a qualifying organization is his only option.

What kind of tag has he got?

No tags yet, just looking at options for elk.......he's headed off to school in Colorado in the Fall and I don't want to waste a tag in the event he were to get drawn! Odds are against him, and probably just have him put in to buy a point. Just making sure I knew what was what before we put in.


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Could buy PointGuard and donate it...but yeah only to a qualifying organization. If you know he won't be able to hunt if he draws, I'd say just buy a point.

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Daughter and I were talking about it last night, she goes to basic in july maybe earlier gets out for 14 days around hunting season. told her I was going to put for her and if she gets drawn and cant make it then  she can donate it to hunt for heros or one of the organizations.

This year wont be a problem as she  will still be a resident. however next year I'm not sure about unless she gets stationed here in AZ. might have to put in for non resident tags for her then. which brings up another question can she donate a non res tag????

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Yes, non-residents can donate tags.  If you buy her a lifetime license she will still have to pay the non-resident fees, but she will be placed into the resident draw pool.  100% worth the money to maintain better draw odds.

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29 minutes ago, Delw said:

Daughter and I were talking about it last night, she goes to basic in july maybe earlier gets out for 14 days around hunting season. told her I was going to put for her and if she gets drawn and cant make it then  she can donate it to hunt for heros or one of the organizations.

This year wont be a problem as she  will still be a resident. however next year I'm not sure about unless she gets stationed here in AZ. might have to put in for non resident tags for her then. which brings up another question can she donate a non res tag????

Delw, as long as she claims Arizona as her home of record when she goes in, she will be able to apply for a tag as an AZ resident.


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2 hours ago, 10Turkeys said:

Delw, as long as she claims Arizona as her home of record when she goes in, she will be able to apply for a tag as an AZ resident.


I read that last night on the G&F website, didnt understand how she could claim she was a res in AZ if she was say stationed overseas or in another state., what about drivers licence and stuff, can Military use a Az Dl if They are stationed in another state where she drives.?  Kinda new to this? My luck she will get stationed in Alaska or Montana then never come back to hunt with me.

Bigbrowns, thanks for that tip

Thanks for the info guys.

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Yes she keeps her AZDL (I kept mine even when I had to get a NC license because I had too many tickets). She will always be an AZ resident until she changes it and no longer pays AZ state tax. 

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Delw, when your Daughter processes into what ever branch of the service she is going into, they will ask her what state she wants for her Home of Record. If she says Arizona, it will not matter if she is guarding the flag that marks the north pole, she will still be an AZ resident, as far as the state sees it.

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22 hours ago, Lucafu1 said:

Yes she keeps her AZDL (I kept mine even when I had to get a NC license because I had too many tickets). She will always be an AZ resident until she changes it and no longer pays AZ state tax. 


21 hours ago, 10Turkeys said:

Delw, when your Daughter processes into what ever branch of the service she is going into, they will ask her what state she wants for her Home of Record. If she says Arizona, it will not matter if she is guarding the flag that marks the north pole, she will still be an AZ resident, as far as the state sees it.

Ah now I under stand. Thanks alot.

I dont remember iit very well when my Dad retired he retired in Washington State and we never set foot there till the day he retired., he was stationed in Japan my whole life (I was born and raised there)  They may have used NY as thats where mom and Dad were from, just cant remember and they only went back 2-3 times in those 16 years. or maybe back then it was not needed to be done?

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Call me; (480)760-3868. I should be able to get you some definitive answers ...

And tell your daughter "thanks" for her love of country and pending service!

--- Tom in Gilbert

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