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December Rifle Trip

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When the deer draw results came out I was super excited to see I was able to draw a 36c late rifle hunt with my dad, tag 124 and 125 out of 125 permits! We have been in this unit many times in the past and have seen great deer. A little pre-season scouting turned up some bucks. Including a group of 7 bucks in a small rolling canyon that is hard to glass and gets overlooked by most over the years. We chose this to be our opening day starting point, which turned out to be the perfect plan. On opening day before even legal shooting light I was able to glass up deer across the small canyon and as light approached I could tell it was one of the nice 3x3s that we had encountered on our scouting trip. Once it was light enough to shoot my dad was able to drop his buck in its tracks at just under 200 yards on his second shot after narrowly missing just over the deer on the first shot and having it come 50 or so yards closer (he has done this several times over the years and calls it the “Alan method”). After several more days of hunting and many many days passing deer and a few really large deer narrowly avoiding getting shot at, me and my dad headed back to where he was able to get his shot. Almost in the exact same manner I was able to glass up another buck standing no more than 20 yards from where my dad’s buck had been.  I wasn’t sure if I was quite done having the fun of chasing these little guys around but the buck just presented too good of a target to pass. After one shot he crumpled up without taking another step. 




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