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AZ Livestock Loss Board approves a research grant program to deter wolf, cattle conflicts

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ROTFLOL   Here goes more money wasted, meetings held,  time wasted, and boloney spewed  when a very simple solution is available.  Shoot the basturdes.  Millions have been spent on a ridiculous program.  The majority wants cows, a very very small minority wants wolves.  Little Red Riding hood didnt want her house blown down by the big bad wolf.  Open a year around season on them and lets see if there is a viable population like coyotes.  We have too many predators now and that includes people.  It is way past time to clean house. 

And on a side note do you think that the she wolf Pelosi will ever get the food sucked out of her teeth?  ðŸ˜¤ðŸ˜„😤😜

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