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So, it seems like on these types of proposals it is always opposite of what I thought I was voting for....so if i support that proposal, does that mean I want them to close down the roads to preserve or does it mean I want to preserve the roads that are already available.....I'm so confused :( :( :blink:

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I personally think it would be a great idea to close some roads.....not as many as they are proposing though. It sucks when you are hunting elk up north and you hike into some area that you think will be remote and you find a road.....that's not on the map.....and every Tom, Dick and Harry is using thing!!

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i used to be in favor of closing all the roads. the older i get, the more i like a road or 2. problem i have with like the forest circus is when they close a road, they always leave a way around it and folks go around the closure and tear up more country, but they don't seem to do anything to the guys that go around it. and then they go and make a scar for 15 miles like that stupid trail that goes from just south of mexican hay lake to big lake. what the heck is that all about? they need a good idea of what roads to close and what roads to leave alone first. seems like they always want to close the ones that actually help out some. Lark.

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