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December Archery 4X4

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My son, Colton, and I first found this buck on December 17th but decided I would  not to make a stalk that evening. We relocated him yesterday with a large group of does and several smaller bucks. The group bedded before noon above a wash in some thick brush. I moved in to about 100 yards but could not pinpoint this particular buck. A broken 3 point (now a 3X1) and a 2 point were visible along with several does but the deer were spread out and I could not get any closer without exposing my location. Eventually, I began to move to the next point of cover. One of the does saw me and they all started to move out. The target 4X4 stood at 70 yards but did not stop for a shop. Colton watched him and one single doe separate from the group and move across a several ridges. They eventually bedded deep in a palo verde thicket. It was now about 2 pm. This time I was able to sneak into a location just below their bed and settled in behind some cholla cactus. I was inside of 45 yards and figured they would not get up until right before dark. I waited in this position until I determined we only had a few minutes of shooting light left. The deer were not up so I had to make a move. With an arrow knocked, I stood and started to move laterally hoping the buck would stand. After about 10 feet, he busted out and moved up hill away from me. He stopped broadside and I ranged him at 79.9 yards. The orange 80 yard pin settled in and the arrow was on its way...….next was that unmistakable "thump" sound as the deer ran away. He piled up less than 40 yards away as both lungs had been deflated. After a few late night photos, we were deboned, loaded and packing by 7:30 pm. THANK YOU Colton for all your hard work and determination, not to mention, packing out all the meat!! A perfect end to the 2018 season.....looking forward to getting back out there on 1-1-19. 

12-23 (1).jpg

deer 3.jpg

12-23 (2).jpg

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Very cool!  The best part is you getting it done while your son was watching!

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