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2020 grizzly hunt in Russia

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My hunting partner and I are getting ready to book a grizzly hunt for spring 2020.  We are contemplating going to Russia.  Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about that idea.   From what I’ve heard the bears are larger there in average.   Thx josh 

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My friend went couple years ago, he killed 2 bears. Said the hunting was good but the accommodations and the guides were poverty. Got lied to about being able to shoot a wolf also or something like that. He was able to bring his capes and skulls back to usa with him. I could probably get you his number or email if you wanted to talk to him about it

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Yes my company books hunts in Russia. Thx, muledeerarea33  

I’m headed back there in August for Kamchatka snow sheep and brown bear combo. 

Let me know if I can help you out in Russia. ✊🏼

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I had a co-worker's husband hunt grizzly in Russia.  Alaska grizzly are larger, in his opinion, and USA accommodations can not be beat!  The main factor is PRICE!!  Is a Russian grizzly hunt going to save you $8-10,000?  If it is only a $2-3,000 difference, Alaska is a better bet.  Just my own opinion.  I am curious about Russian prices.  Fully guided Alaskan grizzly hunts can be had one-on-one for $12k for interior grizzly and $17k for coastal brownies. Prices can double from those set points.  How does Russia compare?

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Get after it! I have spent time in a few different countries working and would love to say it was for hunting but more for money to hunt. Take the opportunity good or bad, live and learn!!

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From most of my research you can shoot a costal type grizzly for around 10-13k. I guess on average they are larger than Alaska bears I have been to Alaska on other hunts and was thinking Russia would be a cool change.  Another country is the draw back for me.   I guess it’s like going to mexico for coues.  I have done that for years.   Proably not much different.   Just wondering if there is ever any issues with bringing back the bears?   Thx for the insight 

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I saw a couple of  newly finished Russian bears in a taxidermy shop in Flag several years ago.  They were amazing.   No idea on price or size or anything else.

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I have not done the hunt myself, so take this with a grain of salt.  I was told this information while hunting with a Russian outfitter in Azerbaijan for Tur, so it is straight from the source who has been on many of these hunts.  I asked him about the Kamchatka Moose and Bear hunts.  He said the moose are spotted by helicopter, the client is flown in and then they go and kill the moose.  Bears are either hunted from snowmobiles and run down on them, or spotted from a helicopter pretty much the same way as the moose.  Success rates are good, but it doesn't sound like "hunting" in my book.  I was amazed he didn't try and sugar coat it at least a little bit.   I lost any desire to do these hunts in Russia after hearing this.  If it were me, I would look into Alaska.

The snow sheep hunts all sounded like real hunts that are similar to dall sheep hunting in Canada or Alaska. 

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