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FAST .224's for Coues

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  On 12/11/2018 at 4:02 AM, ForkHorn said:

Why has the ship sailed?  Heavier bullets that don't get pushed around in the wind as much?

There are just better killing options without much of a recoil penalty in 6 or 6.5 that also give you more leeway in suboptimal hits due to wind, etc. along with increased wound channels, less wind drift, etc. 

I'm a huge fast .224" fan and I've shot a bunch of stuff with them but if we are maximizing our tools to optimize killing, there are just some better options IMO...

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what about a .223 WSSM?

I have one I havent shot yet got a bunch of 60 and 70s loaded for it.

Ive killed a few coues  and muleys out to 350 400 with my 22-250 and my .220 swift. i tried those Barnes bronze bullets I believe they were 70-75 grains way back in the 80s only problem I had with them is on hot loads they fouled up the barrel really bad. 5 shots and you had to clean the barrel with a wire bush and sweets. they were pretty good on accuracy.

one problem with 22 cal bullets is there are very few mad for hunting, The ballistic tips are ok but make a mess  and alot off wasted meat. the partitions are great 60 grain, I have some silver tips in the WSSM I want to try.

as far as the wind if your under 400 yards wind wont effect the bullet as must if your going fast with a light bullet 55-60 however if you go slower like shooting 70+ the wind effects the bullet alot more, at least in my experiance with the 22-250 and 220 swift.

a buddy has a 22 cheeta and kills over 2 dozen deer a year back east all does that thig drops them like a rock at 600 plus yards.

its a throat burner on Barrels if you run hot loads

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For a dedicated coues gun I think a fast .224 would be fine. If I was going to build a deer rifle for all deer including bigger muley, I would look to .243 something at a minimum.


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