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My Desert Sheep Hunt

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Well it all started when my credit card got hit for $300 from G&F and i knew that could only mean one thing. I wont even say how many points i had because it is just ridiculous how lucky i got but i had under 10 points. I had very little experience in the unit i drew so i knew it was going to be a lot of work and hours beating up my truck and sweating in the heat but that was fine with me. I met some great guys from this site and some of the past hunters in the unit that really helped me out a lot. I don't need to mention names but they know who they are and i appreciate all of the help. Scouting proved to be much more challenging than I expected. My unit received record rainfall which was very good for the area but it did seem to spread some of the animals out. Fast forward to the hunt and opening morning had me and my hunting buddies on the same glassing spot we were at the weekend before and after about an hour i glassed up a nice Ram. My goal for the hunt was to shoot a nice mature Ram and this one looked great to me so off i went on my first and last stalk on a desert sheep. Made it to 400 yards and waited forever for them to stand back up because they were out of view from my shooting location. Once he stood up I started shooting away and hit him a good three times. He went out of view but the guys i had watching him said he was hit hard and after a couple minutes the boys yelled in the radio that he was dead. I couldn't be happier with him as he is a great ram but it is a little bitter sweet that it is all over. Time to start putting in for Rocky Mountain Sheep.... G&F aged him at 8 years old. Thanks again to my family, and friends for all the help. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures. 

Live Ram.JPG

Ram Pic.JPG

Ram Picture.JPG

Ram Side.JPG


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That is a great looking ram and there is nothing like a sheep hunt, the best there is.

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13 hours ago, muledeerarea33? said:

Right on! Nice sheep! I’d be nervous too and just start shooting too lol. How many shots and how many hits?

Haha, hit him 3 out of 4 shots. I think at that distance the wind was pushing my rounds left a little bit so i was hitting him back. He wasn't reacting to the shots so i just kept shooting. Tough sheep.

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