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KFC vs. peta

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Does this group want the world to rely solely on vegetables, they dang near oppose everything to eat. They run those commercials now that make themm sound like they are just out there to prevent animal abuse, but these people are freaks.


The poll pretty much shows that only a few buy into their crap.

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What a bunch of yahoos. Only thing i agree with is the constant use of naked chicks to get their point across! :lol: Only kidding. Well, ok, not really. ;)


By the way, wonder if there is any leather in those fancy shoes those 2 girls are wearing... Hypocritical idiots.

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I see nothin torturing that chick. I'm a little tortured by the huge banner covering the chick. Joking.

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Q: A blonde is walking down the street with a pig under her arm. She passes a person who asks "Where did you get that?"

A: The pig says, "I won her in a raffle!"

Q: What do you call a smart blond?

A: A golden retriever.

Q: Did you hear about the blonde coyote?

A: Got stuck in a trap, chewed off three legs and was still stuck.

You did notice the one behind the sign, How long did it take them to talk her into that.

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My 300lb college roommate once saw a PETA ad of bacon, sausage, eggs, ham steak, beef steak all piled up on a plate - the ad read something like 'Isn't this disgusting?"


He came home and cooked everything in our fridge - we sat and ate it all while he told me how the ad had made him so hungry he'd run home thinking about bacon...


In defense of a (1) PETA member - I worked with a great guy, a vegetarian, I'd eat meat right in front of him and talk about how he could possibly rationalize being in PETA - he never pushed his views on me.


However anyone who actually works for PETA is bat $%!# insane, and only one crime away from becoming a domestic terrorist IMO.

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