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36C Scare!

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I have been in the depths of 36b hunting whitetail for the last two years for a total of 10 days. We have seen some crazy stuff too. We had a suburban drive past our camp several times, full of kids, and waive to us like they are out for a joy ride. This is more than 10 miles into the mountains, on some really nasty roads. About 30 minutes after passing us once, this old hispanic guy, about 70 years old, walks past our camp wearing a blaze orange shooting vest (the ones that are $2 at Wal Mart), and carying a 30-30 with a scope on it. No backpack, no water, and no one with him. He muddled off some broken english that he tried to shoot a buck but missed, but clearly he was making it up. Just weird! The best advice I could give is to go take a CCW class so you CLEARLY understand the laws associated with when you can or cannot use deadly force. Understanding these laws before you encounter the situation allows you to have made the decision before an incident occurs, especially in defending third party individuals. Second point is to always be with someone. I still find it hard believe that these guys would challenge you like this (not that I don't believe you, but I think they were absolutely nuts for surrounding you like that). Most hunters are armed, and hunt in groups, and they are just asking for a buddy on an opposite hill to start taking chest shots at 200 yards. I have 4 friends who work border patrol, who all gave me essentially the same advice about hunting down there. Most of the illegals will not bother you, they just want to make it across. Most of the drug runners walk at night, and then stash their loads and sleep during the day. Not to say that this will ensure safety down there, but there is something to be said about doing your homework, becoming legally informed, and hunting in groups.

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Well, the reason I was surrounded was because I was up high on a mountain and in the thick stuff. The trail that I was sitting on was the same trail that they were using. When they popped over the top of the mountain, there I was sitting glassing. There was no way for me to avoid the situation. I was facing the edge of a huge drop-off and they were surrounding me on the other three sides. I don't think had they seen me that they would have intentionally walked to me, but the way it happened they were on top of me. They all made sure to shake my hand, but I was still very scared. I would rather hunt by myself than not hunt at all, it is just too bad I had to feel that way when I was out enjoying the tag I had drawn. The BP told me that with the Minute Men out it had pushed most of the traffic up high, and that was why I was getting into this problem. I knew that the Illegals were down low, just never had too much trouble with them up this high. Thank you guys for listening to my story!

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Hunters are not the only ones that set up high with scopes and rifles. I have seen drug smugglers that are posted with shooters from on high as well. I do not know if this was so they knew they would be dropped at anytime the heffey thought they were not doing what they needed to. Or if it was a saftey messure for some reason. And i support the minute men and think they are at least doing something to try and help.

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Unfortunately the polititians to don't want to fix the problem! AnthonyR.....I'm not sure what I would have done.....you did the right thing and your safe and could go back to your family. I think I may have arranged a gun fight after they walked......nobody should bully a US citizen on their own soil!!!



Scott, sadly if you initiated a gunfight while they are walking away you would be going to jail for murder.


I'm not saying I would have....I understand that in AZ without your life being in direct threat (either in your home, in a vehicle or otherwise) you would be charged with murder.....but if for some reason any situation would have occured where life or the life of someone else was in jeapardy you would be fully justified.



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We saw some weird activity in 36C during the archery hunt. maybe one of you guys have seen something similar or knows what they were doing. My Buddy and I are sitting on a hill side watching two Bucks approach each other and we are like cool! this is going to be interesting. Well the two bucks see each other a they try to be nonchalant and they kind of circle and then they but heads. Then they just walked off in opposite directions. Then they both spook and take off like thier tails on fire. We wonder what the heck scared them and we start looking for the cause. About a hundred yards from where the deer were comes these two Hispanic guys dressed in black walking really slow south. HMMM we say. Then they duck into some heavy cover at a bend in the arroyo and they stay there for about 20 minutes. Then one of them comes out and sneaks to the top of this hill and starts looking south. After about 10 minutes he apparantly see's what ever he was looking for and runs back down to his hide out. Half an hour goes by and we fiqure whatever they are up to it doesn't look like they are up to any thing good so we decide to call BP. We give the BP dispach lady the GPS coordinates and she says they will check it out. We hike back to our quads and never hear another thing about it. What do think these guys were up to?


They were most likely lookouts for their dope load.

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We saw some weird activity in 36C during the archery hunt. maybe one of you guys have seen something similar or knows what they were doing. My Buddy and I are sitting on a hill side watching two Bucks approach each other and we are like cool! this is going to be interesting. Well the two bucks see each other a they try to be nonchalant and they kind of circle and then they but heads. Then they just walked off in opposite directions. Then they both spook and take off like thier tails on fire. We wonder what the heck scared them and we start looking for the cause. About a hundred yards from where the deer were comes these two Hispanic guys dressed in black walking really slow south. HMMM we say. Then they duck into some heavy cover at a bend in the arroyo and they stay there for about 20 minutes. Then one of them comes out and sneaks to the top of this hill and starts looking south. After about 10 minutes he apparantly see's what ever he was looking for and runs back down to his hide out. Half an hour goes by and we fiqure whatever they are up to it doesn't look like they are up to any thing good so we decide to call BP. We give the BP dispach lady the GPS coordinates and she says they will check it out. We hike back to our quads and never hear another thing about it. What do think these guys were up to?


They were most likely lookouts for their dope load.



Thats what I figured also, but dressed in black in daylight? I can see wearing black at night, but I dont know. Seems pretty wierd to me. More than likely you are right and they were lookouts.

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Just wanted to share a story with you guys who hunt down there. This year for the Nov. WT tag I was up on my hill at first light and just started to get to where I could see the next hill. While starting to glass I had 5 Illegals come behind me and surround me. They straddled my gun, which was lying next to me, and scared the heck out of me. I was shaking scared. They asked me if I had any problems with them, because they had the burlap sacks full of weed on their backs. I told them to just leave me alone I only wanted to be deer hunting. It scared me so bad that I ended up leaving that area and told BP where to go. I don't think they caught them, but I went to another hill the next morning and seen more Illegals stashing their dope. I once again told BP about it. I was so scared that the next morning I just went into my spot and shot a little buck just so that I could come home. I was by myself. Sorry for the long story, just wanted to share it with you!



Hey people I work in the area. I have to say that most unlawfully documented illegals with the main goal of crossing into the United states for a better life are harmless. However drugs of course is a big business and agents do on occasion get in shootouts with the drug runners. Have you ever had to fight two people or three people. Even with a perfect mindset a group of men will overtake you. If your are ever confronted by drug runners in the field it is not to have coffee. That in itself is an act of aggression in my belief. To go hunting in the borders units without a pistol or a hunting buddy and to let people get the drop on you is a major issue. I'm not sure why they left you alone. I have a story for you. There was a hunter in your situation looking into binos spotting deer when a group of illegals surrounded him took his rifle and took his wallet and I.D. he was advised that if they were caught they would kill his family. So yes these incidents occur in your southern hunting units, not often but do occur. If your going to hunt in those units you have to be smart and always on lookout.

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I have never hunted down south but I know through you guy's on CWT there is some great critters down south.

I for one would have to pass on hunting down there because I hunt with my family on most hunts and I would not

want to have them out there when something like that goes down. That situation that you were presented with

would probably have turned ugly for me seeing they would have surrounded my wife and my three daughters who can shoot very well. :o JK


Its hard to tell what we would do in any situation but my first reaction would have been protect the wife and the

chitlins so that guy straddeling the rifle (THREAT ENOUGH FOR ME)would have gotten to meet mr. 44 up close.

I do not remember you saying that the others were armed so maybe that's all it would have took to get them

all to high tail it.


On the other hand I could have done exactly what you did and all would be well.


So for me its a no brainer to hunt elsewhere with the Wife and kids just to avoid the situation's that you guy's go through

down there. I know we should not let the illegals alter what we do but in reality they are and until we take action it's not

ever going to change.

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I am neither a hero nor a saint but I will tell all of you this: always have a sidearm at the ready and brandish it at your side (not pointed at anyone) and more then likely you will not have a "visit" from anyone, illegal or legal. I hunt with my wife as well down in 36C and before they could come up to me I would use my best spanglish or a hand signal to halt their approach. If they proceeded then we would then take up arms to defend ourselves as they would then be considered a threat to us. Alto they understand so an excuse in court of " No Habla Englas" would not be suffice. I would rather protect my best friend and wife myself then HOPE they do not harm us. This is why AZG&F went back to allowing us to carry sidearms during archery season I truly beleive. We all do what we think is best but try to live with yourself if you allow something to happen to your wife or children and you somehow survive! In camp we have a motion sensor that has a God awful audible alarm as well as a super bright light and anything that comes remotely close to our trailer gets a surprise. Beats the old beer cans and fishing wire setup and you can get these alarms on EBAY for around $30 and they are battery operated. Good luck to all of you hunting and God Bless America!!!

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That would be a tough call with your wife and kids with you. God help the illegals, cuz I'm not going too.

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Are these the guys you are talking about???


WOW! I have read the testimonials but seeing those pictures really hits home with me. I can't believe there are so many out there that we see them on a regular basis.


And i can say i am positively carrying a pistol if and when i hunt down south

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A group of us were hunting down south and saw these illegals walking through a dried up creek bottom and turned BP onto them. BP caught up with them and I got to see our tax dollars at work...


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