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To me that's more like a snack. Looks good though. What is it?

  • Haha 2

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Elk loin- carefully aged and home processed.  This was a sample I cooked up for myself.  Scarfed the first one down before i thought to take a picture.  I keep it simple, garlic salt, black pepper, oil and a hot pan,  


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Looks delicious!

I also butcher, wrap, and process all of my own game.   I'm curious as to your aging technique?  I have never really aged any of my game meat (other than happenstance when/if hanging for a couple of days or so prior to cutting it.....   more of a 'timing' thing as opposed to aging....).  Share your ideas on your aging?



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In the past I used an old garage refrigerator to hang 10 days at 36-38 degrees.  I don't currently have that luxury.  I did have an empty chest freezer.  I alternated freezer on or off manually by unplugging. I was on vacation and could monitor closely.  Analog meat thermometer to check by the bone of thickest part of hind quarter.

Kept the meat below 40 degrees for a week.  The outsides start to freeze but it doesn't seem to have any negative impact on the meat.

Last two elk done that way and both tender and delicious.  

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