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Antler Scoring?

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Just for grins I want to get my deer scored. He isn't a monster but he is a good deer, and I want to try and get an idea of how big he was. Who can I take it to in Phoenix to get it scored?

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Get on B&C website should tell you what you need.

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just stop at any camp in 34, 35 or 36 after dark and ask 'anybody got a tape'.  but it better be a decent buck or they will shrink your head.


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Anyone can do an exaggerated green gross score.... if you want an official score go to the B&C web site to find a measurer near you. If it's an archery buck the P&Y and BIA web sites will do the same. They probably won't want to waste their time unless you want to enter it. Congratulations on your buck. Ed F

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If it's just for grins, you can score it yourself to get an idea of how it would score.  If you want it officially scored, do as people have suggested and look through the list of measurers on the B&C website.  I am an official measurer, but I am not in Phoenix area.  

I have an informational page on how to do that along with photos plus excel spreadsheets that will calculate the score when you enter in the values.




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16 hours ago, Hoss50 said:

Just for grins I want to get my deer scored. He isn't a monster but he is a good deer, and I want to try and get an idea of how big he was. Who can I take it to in Phoenix to get it scored?

Why haven't we seen a pic? How was the east side?

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