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Non-Typical Solutions

Stolen Browning A-45

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Here is the story, my boy packed his bags on Friday so he could hit the road right after work. He had his shotgun and a .22 rifle he was working on packed in a locked carrying case, plus his clothes sitting out ready to go. He came home from work to find his apartment had been broken into. They stole his computer, school books, microwave, on and on...but sentimental value on the Browning is irreplaceable.

I'll get the serial number from him when he gets back home.


If you come across a Browning A-45 being hocked or sold please at least take the time to check it out, I would love to recover the gun and nail the %$@%^# that stole it.


It has an adjustable poly choke, an after market 1 1/4 Kickeez recoil pad, recently blued and in good condition.


Maybe while you are scanning the want adds in your local paper if you come across such an item, I don't know, just looking for some eyes out there to help.


I appreciate it, thanks,


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This stinks! What area of the state did this take place? How many pawn shops are in the immediate area? Keep an eye on Craigslist, too. Maybe you can buy it back AND send the jerk to jail.

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I had a SXS .410 shotgun stolen out of my truck a few years ago. The Cops found it at a pawn shop in Mesa. I had to buy it back from the shop even though the guy accpeted stolen goods. What a croc.


5 years later, I get a check in the mail from Florence Prison for the restituion. I guess the guy had to work it off baling hay at $0.25 per hour. I hope he was allergic to alfalfa. :angry:

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Hope you get it back. Just a reminder, it only takes a thief a moment to make off with your stuff. One guy I shoot clays with had his truck loaded and just walked inside for a minute to get his glasses and hat. When he came back out 2 shotguns and his range bag were gone. There is nothing worse than a thief. Anytime we are getting ready for a trip and there is a gun involved our garage door is closed. You never know who is watching. :unsure: <_<

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I can-not and will never understand thief's. It is simple really, If You Did Not Buy It, Then It is Not Yours!!!!@!!


Whether the items are returned and the dirtbag stoned, know that somehow that person/persons will pay in the end. Sorry for the loss and I will keep my eyes open for ya.

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