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My Rights As An American

Old meat

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My 11 year old daughter scored her first ever big game kill, a cow elk. The cow was very big so I have to make room in the freezer. I have about three or four shopping bags of frozen game meat from 2014 or so. Live next to basspro and work near Kyrene and Warmer in Tempe. Anyone want it or have ideas other than trash? Thanks! Home processed but still should taste fine. Thanks. 

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Couesnsheep I think does the dog food with meat, and others too.

I am doing some of the same with old meat right now trying to make freezer room without wasting meat.

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Guest akaspecials

If it has been frozen the whole time and isn't freezer burnt, I would make jerky out of it. Vacuum pack after drying and put it back in the freezer. Will take up less space and keep for another year. I just did that with a moose from 2014. Maybe I'm a hillbilly... 

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It’s probably still fine. Make a boatload of green chili or tamales. Thats what i do any time i have meat i need to get rid of. Always good to have burritos in the freezer

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1 hour ago, Ohthatguy said:

Snack stick or summer sausage!! I just made a batch out of 2014 grind and it's just fine.

I just made 16 lbs of summer sausage for a guy that found the meat in his freezer from 2015.  It turned out great.

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Guest akaspecials
1 hour ago, TOBY said:

you guys should share how easy it is to make. So much money wasted at processors. 


How I make Jerky: 

Go to Walmart and buy a $40 dehydrator; mine is about ten years old and still works fine. In my opinion the best Jerky comes from round roast, but any roast will work. Cut the roast against the grain so it’s easier to chew. I prefer just under ¼ inch for the slices but adjust thickness to your preference. Also cut the meat while it is still partially frozen so you can get nice thin cuts. Marinate overnight using your favorite super thin BBQ sauce or marinade. Throw on dehydrator. My jerky typically takes about 8 hours, but time depends on your dehydrator and the thickness of your slices. I flip the meat in the dehydrator at about the 4 hour mark. Vaccum pack into whatever serving size you prefer. Store in freezer or back of fridge.


Since there are no preservatives in this, I typically don’t keep the jerky at room temp for more than a week or two. Earlier this summer though I was able to help supply a friend on the Pacific Crest Trail and he was keeping the jerky unrefrigerated for a month without issues. 

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I use the LEM Snack Stick and Summer Sausage kits. $20.00 for 20# of finished product. Includes casings, seasoning and cure. I use a pork picnic for adding about 30% pork to the mix. I add extra heat and a few more spices, shoot into tubes and into they smoker they go.

All my Javi meat including straps wind up as snack sticks. They are actually good, not just edible.

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I use the meat slice that “my rights as an American” delivered to me a few years back on Christmas Day lol. Put it in a double layered window screen frame and about a week later in a cool shed, you have jerky. Lots of pepper, chili flakes, brown sugar, and  Teriyaki. Spicy sweet.

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