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Shooter McGavin

6A/5BS Jr elk hunt success

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My 14 yr old daughter and 12 yr old son got Jr cow elk tags for 6A/5BS. My sons friend also got drawn, so we had 3 tags. Due to a busy swim and soccer schedule I could only pull off one scouting trip. Needless to say, I was gonna put the boots to the ground and hopefully fill a tag or two.

Friday morning was beautiful, heard some late rut bugles and then started hearing shots off in the distance through the forest. I knew we were in the right spot. Nothing turned up so we went to get a hot lunch put on by the AES at the St Joseph’s jr elk camp. Met some great folks even went out with a mentor who, bless his heart tried to put us on some elk but couldn’t locate any due to all the pressure.

I did find a beautiful arrowhead, that made my day, elk or no elk.

Saturday morning came early and we had pulled over to look at a map when my son said, “dad, are those elk crossing the road?” I look up and catch 2 run by. We park and head toward the direction they are going. I take my 2 kids and my buddy and his son split up because we have 2 different bulls bugling. I head east, he heads west. I get to a small clearing and decide we should sit under a couple of trees and see what happens. My daughter says “ I’m hungry, can I eat my PB&J?” After she eats it, she says I see an elk and it’s walking towards us, I put my binos up to verify and say get the monopod and gun. I range it at 100yds and it stops behind a tree, I asked her to wait for it to turn broadside, of course she says “ I know dad”. It continues to zig and zig between the trees getting closer. I range it again at 84 yds, I get excited and say shoot whenever you’re ready, once again she says, “stop it dad, I know”. As soon as I put the binos up, the crack of the 270wsm goes off. I look frantically to see where it went, I get scared because I can’t find it. I see something move to the left behind a tree, clearly it’s been hit and wobbly. I point it out to her for one last finishing shot. Gun goes off again and it drops. The 3 H’s happened immediately after ( Hootin, Howlering and High-5’s).

On the radio to our buddies to get the truck, started the gutless method and had it in the truck within a couple of hours. Got it to the butcher and she was able to pick her meat choices.

My son and his friend did not fill their tag but had a fantastic time at the elk camp, shooting BB guns and being outside despite the rain, wind and muddy conditions.







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Sweet! I'm digging the arrowhead. I've only ever found one and had a hard time believing it wasn't a memento picked up at a gift shop. After to talking to some rockhounds about where I found it I believe its legit. Super cool find and a great moment with your daughter.  

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