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Beagle pup wanted

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My kids have a yorkie. We can not break her from running. As soon as she sees an opening at the door she is gone to the races. I am just about to stop her with a bullet next time. That is the worst thing about little dogs is they love to run away and they are fast. :lol: You should see us it looks like a episode of benji or something like that.

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Better to find out now than later. Presently I have a 12 month old Walker pup that will be joining "the help" outside in the kennel as soon as the weather gets better. I will probably be using the power of Tri-Tronics to teach him where the mute button is on his volume. If you want a dog to pal around with your boy you might want to look into bird dogs that have been bred to hunt for the owner instead of hounds that hunt for themselves. I also have a Camus cur that I use for cat and bear and soon will be getting a Leopard cur for the same. These cur breeds tend to be more of a "do all" dog and are easier to handle than hounds.


Good luck,



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Wow a Yorkie out rates a beagle? I would never own a kicking dog, and Cockers extremely high maintance. I can say this because I had one! I guess if you just get the dog and never try to train it they will be a pain in the a**. I will only get rid of the puppies to good homes that are going to have time to take care of them and enjoy them! Walkers are cool along with Black and tans and Blue ticks.

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I have owned several beagles over the years. They are definitely vacuum cleaners and probably not the best 'in the house' dogs. The males have to hike their leg on everything they walk by. They are hard-headed little critters that are full of energy and really need to be with at least another dog. The are very social (pack oriented) characters. They don't always howl and they are very good with kids. Most of them have 0 aggression. Very smart dogs for the most part.


My vet says that beagles will eat until they pop and then roll over and start eating again.


With all of that said, I wouldn't take $1000 for mine. He loves to play. He's over 4 yrs old and still plays like a puppy.

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When you do purchase one of these fine dogs, make sure you have no food anywhere near the kitchen table, counter, plate, back patio, sink, microwave, picnic table, baby chair, lap, and the most important, your hands. These dogs have some kind of special way to find it and suck it, thats right, suck it down there throat without even chewing one bite. Its amazing to watch them take down an entire piece of pizza. :rolleyes: They also love to bay at the cats, UPS truck, school bus, mialman, mormons, kids playing, landscaping guy next door, helicoptors, hot air balloons, Fedex, the wind, roofers on the house across the way, neighbor taking out the garbage, people walking past your house, and the best one of all, they will even start baying at you when you don't feed them on time. But don't take my word on it, buy one and enjoy the fun. :lol: David


Don't forget sirens! They must really hurt their ears because sirens cause such a painful sounding howl.

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