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Are there any decent bucks in unit 39?

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I am sure there are. Desert hunts are tough, but I would think staying near areas were farm fields transition to desert would be my focus in that unit. 

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I was curious if it would make sense to spend time out in the desert or foothills looking for tanks or guzzlers, or if it would be wiser to focus on the farm areas like everyone else seems to do. I would assume there would be more deer and bigger deer near the farms.


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what creed said.

Wish I had that tag this year, I have to wait till archery season.

f the farm feilds get on any rise before light and watch the movement till about noon. you will find really nice ones not close to farm feilds and you will find small and average ones next to farm feilds all day long every day.

saw one of the biggest bucks I ever seen in the desert there. closest farm felid was 4-5 miles away. this ground was flat and sandy with one rise he was bedded below us 60 feet while 4 of use were taking and glassing for yotes to pick off.. Daughter and I chased (we had bows in truck) that thing for a few weeks till end of year everyday after school and work. saw it everyday just couldnt get into archery distance for a 12 year old with a light bow. they only shot she had the wind was blowing 60MPH so she passed. I had shots but wanted her to connect. I would have probably missed anyhow.

also if you want a deer and not picky just hunt along i-10 there everywhere with in 400 yards of that highway all day every day. tons of does spikes forkeys 3x3s and some spindley 4+

good luck

this is what the terrain looks like, the buck bedded every single day on the right side just over the riser. followed him about 7 miles to this spot.

Imagine that right off the freaking road a few hundred yards even. she like her dad cant pass up a varmit no matter what she's hunting. yup thats a throat shot ;)



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That's an awesome kill with the bow. I will definitely be putting some miles on searching this unit and trying to find water and learning property boundaries. Thanks for the info.

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On 9/24/2018 at 6:01 PM, azbirdhunter88 said:

Biggest deer I ever seen was in that unit in Vekol Wash. 

I have never been to that area. Will try checking it out next week. Thanks

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