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bogus points for lope

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Wondering if anyone knows how many pts you had to have to get a tag in the max pt round for 10/18 archery lope last year.


appreciate the info., I want to hunt antelope sooooo bad this year. Its been 9 years since I had my last archery tag (I was 14) but stupid me didn't have the money six years ago to apply so I just finally got my loyalty point

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Last year 5 people applied with 13 points, and 4 were drawn.

the 20 tags in the bonus pass were issued to those with 11, 12 and 13 points. 11 people with 11BP applied and all 11 received tags.

Last year 19 applied with 10 BP and 27 with 9 BP

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Last year 5 people applied with 13 points, and 4 were drawn.

the 20 tags in the bonus pass were issued to those with 11, 12 and 13 points. 11 people with 11BP applied and all 11 received tags.

Last year 19 applied with 10 BP and 27 with 9 BP



Thanks, with 10 maybe I have one more year but maybe I'll get lucky ;)

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Hey Red Rabbit, where did you find those numbers?

I have been wondering about which hunt to try for based on the points.




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I'd think twice before burning 10 points on 19A (Fain Ranch). It's no where near what it used to be in terms of trophy quality!!! I live in Prescott and see it every day. 19B still produces some quality bucks, but I'd steer clear of the Fain Ranch if you're looking for big bucks.

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I am assuming you have an average of 10 BP and are considering archery. I have heard that the K4 ranch in 19b is not allowing any walk-ins anymore. I do not think I would want to hunt the 19A zoo of bowhunters.



I purchased the bonus point analysis from G&F

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yes there is 2 of us. well we been trying archery for antelope since 2000. at this point I want a tag and with us finding out so early we can do our homework. I know the 80"-90" buck are seldom now, but are you still seeing many 75-80" bucks on the fain? in 19b I know 2 spots that are still accessible, I hope...... since the apps are in :blink:



I am assuming you have an average of 10 BP and are considering archery. I have heard that the K4 ranch in 19b is not allowing any walk-ins anymore. I do not think I would want to hunt the 19A zoo of bowhunters.



I purchased the bonus point analysis from G&F

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In 19B, 12 applied last year with 10 BP nad none were drawn. 19 applied with 9 BP and none were drawn. The 20% bonus pass went down into the 11 BP group, taking 3 of 4 applicants.


In 19A first hunt, 5 applied with 10 BP and 5 were drawn. 11 applied with 9 BP and 2 were drawn. The 20% pass round took all 5 applicants with 10 BP, and 2 with 11 BP.



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I think the Fain ranch is more like a 70-75 inch antelope hunt anymore. Last year there was one buck that may have been 78-80 and another buck that was 76-78. Those were the two biggest bucks that I know of. It's not a large area and they offer a bunch of tags! You'll still see quite a few goats, but nothing like there was a few years back.

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Yep, 10 rifle hunters and 80 archery hunters. They are slowly killing off the herd so they can eventually develop the land.

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Bogus Points is Correct. I have 15 of them. What is the maximum?

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What is the maximum?


There is no maximum. Keep collecting as many as you want. The more you have, the luckier you will feel before the draw. ;)

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There is no maximum. Keep collecting as many as you want. The more you have, the luckier you will feel before the draw. ;)


Isn't that the truth.

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